Starting Civilizations at lev 40 question

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ByFstugan, Dec 10, 2022.

  1. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    About this "Starting at lev 40" topic you wrote like this:

    //Starting Civilizations at Level 40

    One of the biggest points of feedback that we received during our most recent survey was that leveling up can be tiresome for some players, particularly if they are doing it for the 5th+ time. As such, we are introducing another option for players - starting their civilization at level 40. We still haven't finalized every detail of this feature at the moment, but some of the things we can share are that:

    • Players will be able to start their civilizations directly at level 40, with the ability to equip Legendary items from the get go.
    • They will have level 40 items equipped on all of their units and buildings already, but they are just enough to fill the gap until they can optimize their gear.
    • They will not have to play through the non-repeatable versions of quest lines in order to access their Legendary variants.
    • Since every campaign quest will be complete already, some items will not be available for players who use this feature. This is so that players who spend the time to level up and play through the quests are rewarded for their time and effort.//
    How will one choose this alternative? At creation of civ only, or can one also or only choose after civ it's created?
    *I'd assume that it's at creation only - but if it isn't it could be a work-around for my 3-4 question.

    2) Can there be an option to skip getting the "just enough gear" (in same way as one can "Skip tutorial" on premium civs) so one don't have to destroy each item, it's a bit annoying to have to destroy so many items when I've collected most I need already.

    3-4) To get to skip the non-repeatable quests is good, but what about the "Ullr's All-Seeing Bow" (and also the "Athena's Long Spear", though not as intresting)? They are items you get by completing non-Legendary quests and might be items you want to get - can they be given for free then instead so such civs don't loose the chance to get them completelly (or that you have to level and do ALL non-repeatable quests just to get those items)? I can see you already thought about that and accepted we don't get them, but is that really a good choice? One could at least get to choose to be able to do those questlines that give Legendary and/or useful/unique items, but by that not have to do EVERY non-repeatable quests in every city to be able to get them. This just feels very wrong to not have a walk-around for.

    A last question would be what you figure the price would be. Is it only EP? And if so, about how much? Could be good to know how much we need so we might save up if we are likelly short.
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  3. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    1. The option will be available upon civ creation.
    2. The civilizations will come pre-equipped with a full set of gear. This is unfortunately a technical barrier we can't overcome.
    3. It is possible for us to grant these pieces to players, similar to the "But wait, there's more!" quests where you talk to Marcus Pollux.
    4. There will be no price. It is going to be free!
    ByFstugan likes this.
  4. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    That sounds as a good walk-around - plz do something like that <3

    Answer 1,2,4 was also to satisfaction, was the #3 that was most important and the other questions was more for getting answered and/or not very important to solve.

    Keep up the GREAT work o7
  5. ConradIII

    ConradIII Champion

    May 8, 2022
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    It's funny - but I like levelling up to 40 .. gives you something to go for.
    I have done it many times and sifting through the shops to get best gear for your level.

    Once you get to 40 the quests either too easy or too hard and when you get your gear up - even legendary solo is possible with a few consumables
    I wonder why people play PVE if they want to start at 40 ?? what is so special ?
    But there you go different strokes . I think I might delete a civ and start again :)
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