Suggestion wall

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by capiqua, Aug 15, 2022.

  1. capiqua

    capiqua Villager

    Jun 30, 2022
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    3 stores. It is more comfortable to also have the treasure window:
    b(add icon):
    c(suggestion. when you press the coins icon, the treasure window is retractable. this helps to visualize how many coins you have):

    002. Treasury and Capital Report, are the same:

    003. choose your civilization. It's a very good tool, but it's only there when you choose civ. There should be a link in the city UI:
    maybe replace it with the treasure window, the central civ icon. there are times when you have to see a website to wait until you have the resources.

    004. QuestMap. needs some changes.
    It's overwhelming when you hit 40. You're presented with various quest groups.

    -The first left column shows the quest that we have selected.

    -The second right column shows us the cities that we have selected.
    repeatable-icon is repeated ad infinitum, therefore I suggest that each quest be identified with an icon,
    lower icons
    (no unselected, finished, classic, legendary, challenge, elite, champion (thunder), coop, shop, cooldown, reward (this should replace secondary quest example: kill wolves), repeatable-icon (this icon should be replaced by the other ones above)

    example: if we press the yellow exclamation icons, elite, challenges: the yellow, elite, challenges quest appear. this way we can play with this. if we want to search only for stores, stores appear. If we want quests to appear on cooldown, they will appear with a time next to them.
    These quests on cooldown do not appear on the map or the cities, they only appear here.

    -Map. Most of the city icons can be grouped, for example the Romans, they have Rome, Capua, Army Camp. Another group is that of carthago, imhotep, delos, etc.

    example1: when we press the image of the group, we select all the cities and appear in the right column. example2: when we press Roma (it's my name capital and it's the home-icon) and Argos appear in the right column.
    example3travel: when we want to travel, we press the world-icon and then a city-icon and we travel to the desired city.

    Basically it is is to expand to a second column. Add icons describing each quest add city icons in groups.

    005. favorites.
    example: in the quest map to select favorite quests. In the right column, we must pass the mouse over a quest and select mark-blue it with the mouse. The favorites will appear in another window (now featured quest) the city from which it is, a name of the quest, if it has a cooldown and what type of quest it is (legendary, classic, challenge, etc)

    0005b.organize favourites.
    when putting quest in favorites, they do not have an order, therefore, when pass the mouse over mark-blue, there are some numbers (1-01) between quotes; the second number appears (01 in this case) we are placing the position in this tab, and the first number (1 in this case) is the tab we want to put it on.

    005c. tab favorites
    It is recommended to have several tabs to customizable;
    example1: in one tab we have the legendary quests and in another the legendary seasonal quests example2: in one we have the quest where we receive more XP
    example3: in one we have the quest where we receive more EP
    are examples, there are no specific tabs. just the icons that can be changed, and put on each favorite tab.
    The icons of each tab can be, example: an empire points, a adviser, a legendary exclamation in flames, a sheep, etc. Of course the first tab is free, 1000EP each tab

    005d. tab favorites. promocion.
    Also when there is an event, celesteTeam can create a tab and highlight a quest

    006. Change of faction. Changing factions is very cumbersome, I don't know if it's an easy solution but maybe.... suggestion: dont need to close and log in

    007. Rules. rules in game links externally.
    suggestion: it should be ingame and translated. As pvp sparta

    008. Five empire points.

    If leveling up gives you 5 empire points it should be mentioned somewhere

    009. equipments are shown two times
    When an item is pressed to gear, it appears in two places. suggestion: the old one to be replaced is placed on the left, for comparison. It is more practical

    when you complete a quest, you are notified with a glow. when you receive an email or money or EP, ect, you should also receive this notice

    011. skirmish. select maps retractable . select AI retractable .

    011b.skirmish. this comes out when you finish a skirmish. should the AI come out against who while playing

    012. crafting.
    suggestions: add a tab:

    013. Store. carthago, delos and imhotep. store should appear empire points icon:

    014. clean maps. This map is somewhat varied, but there are maps that are completely repeatable icons. I suggest: secondary quests like killing wolves should not be shown on the map.

    It has cost to do, and explain through images. it is best to read it several times, to know what it is all about. Cheers
    Pikolo, SqarX and Zupan22 like this.
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  3. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    Some good suggestions here! Unfortunately, since we don't have direct access to the game's source code, making some of these changes is extremely difficult, if not outright impossible. But I will take note of some of your suggestions for the future. Thank you!
  4. Pikolo

    Pikolo Spearman

    Nov 14, 2020
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    Civilization selection screen and quest map absolutely need some changes. Even more for new players because it's confusing.

    Current civilization screen is really not best, and with every new civ. the selection becomes worse and worse. I know that currently India is the last for some time but I have feeling that we will still get China or something. I like your design @capiqua but a side navigation for civ. would be probably better, that way there also could be civ. name next to icon. Really hope team have access to change this.

    As for quest map it's kinda fine until you reach lvl. 20-25, where you start getting all the quest from other civs. idk. how much the team can change but if they can't change current questmap, maybe creating new one would be better (even more for new players)? A big "PLAY" button in the middle with custom UI of starting quest.

    I know that one of the big points of AoEO was traveling from city to city and selecting quest for yourself but it's really bad design, most players this day just want to press a button and select the mission to play it.
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