New Bahram item suggestions (lower token cost)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Aryzel, Jul 21, 2022.

  1. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I think there is some interest in having lower cost items available for tokens at Bahrams lottery, something in 1000 token (ie 1million coins) rang. Maybe even a range of costs, 500, 1000, 2000, 2500, 5000, tokens etc ?Here are some observations and ideas, will try to add more in future too.

    Bahram gear ideas

    Existing: @ 10000 token price point

    Beloved Bow (bow)
    - Improved Leg version of Perseus Horse bow
    - Is this taken often? not sure players value cost a lot so might be reduced token cost or add another stat like movespeed?

    Best Battle Armor (light armor)
    - improved version of Ashoka's golden gorget (+3% hp, +0.9% dmg, +2.1% move speed as extra stat)
    - is this taken often? feels like small upgrade on Ashoka for 10mil cost. Maybe reduce cost to 5000 tokens or increase move speed a little ??

    Branded Arm guard (Soldiers' Gear)
    - A variation of MAG/Ice king stats - get most dmg and good move speed, but no health

    Brisk Boots (Soldiers' Gear)
    - Combines MAG with Ice king - get dmg,hp and movespeed
    - seems the most popular choice ??

    New Soldiers' Gear items ideas
    - Most popular soliders gear is MAG/Ramses or Ice King Greaves, so maybe combine those with less interesting stats

    For Reference: (avg and max stats)
    21.7% cost
    12.5% dmg (13.1% max)
    22.7% hp (23.8% max)

    20.8% cost
    11.2% dmg (11.7% max)
    24.4% hp (22.4% max)

    Ice King
    21.7% cost
    29.8% hp
    8.8% move speed

    18.4% hp (no +cost)

    Training sword
    15.4% train time

    183.1% conversion resistance (192.2% max)

    50.2% LOS

    Finest Gauntlets
    10.9% cost (11.4% max)

    New Bahram item construction (500-2000 token range?)

    BASE type 1
    +20% cost
    +12% dmg
    +23% HP

    BASE type 2
    20% cost
    28% HP
    8% move speed

    BASE type 3
    +19% HP

    + Effect (one of these)
    10% training time
    150% conversion resistance
    35% LOS
    -7% cost

    Or depending on Braham price point
    + Effect (one of these)
    15% training time
    190% conversion resistance
    50% LOS
    -10% cost
    #1 Aryzel, Jul 21, 2022 at 5:36 PM
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2022
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  3. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Hrmm. Current token system can be extremely discouraging to new players - 100 tokens a week, which is highly gold intensive when even 50k is alot, is a rate that yields only 1 single bahram piece per 2 years.

    However, I don't think creating new unique pieces is the answer.

    I suggest adding Quest Rewards to it instead, priced at just a bit above the average market price for equivalent items - Ullr's All-Seeing Bow and Athenian Spear could both be priced at 20-40 tokens each. Finnbar Bow/Setredet Arrows could be at 150 tokens, and the other items could be priced a bit - let's say 30% above the average market price ffor their respective pieces. This would both have something to spend tokens on while trying your luck, and put a price cap on items in case inflation increases again somehow - No point spending 400k on a crappy mags when you can get an exact middle mags for 300k, though spending 1 mil on a near-perfect mags would still be reasonable.
  4. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    I splurge the first couple of weeks but since then I just buy 5 tokens each week.

    I think, from vague recollections of discussion on discord about the state of economy a long while ago, that devs aren't keen on idea of putting price caps on items, either directly or indirectly so not likely to get exiting items on Bahrams lottery.
  5. Donar

    Donar Berserker

    Dec 5, 2021
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    The boots is usually what you want to take i guess, the other items maybe the armor/gautlet is really second hand. The bow seems to be the least usefull. Imo these 3 last items could be buffed.
    The idea to get other items with tokens, not so sure about it. There are enough ways to get them and afaik the tokens are mainly there so the way to get baharms boots is not completely rng.
    But i think the finnbar and setreds arrows to but for 150k gold in tokens is not good. For me the point to play a lot of these mission was to get these special items. It should be really not possible to buy them imo.
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