Please can someone clarify a few things for me.

Discussion in 'Misc' started by Belstead, Jan 21, 2022.

  1. Belstead

    Belstead Long Swordsman

    Mar 29, 2021
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    I've tried a forum search but can't find what i'm after.

    1. What is Spartan Heroic Hour which pops up in the chat? Is it just a PvP thing?

    2. Why do I sometimes have a quest that says (for instance) 50,000 XP but then I only get 35,000 when I complete and turn in the quest? It's not to do with secondary objectives.

    3. Milestones. Does this only apply when all civs are at Lvl 40? A civ can choose one milestone from any other but does that replace the milestone of that level in your civ or stack with it?
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  3. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    1. Yes, the Spartan Heroic Hour is only for Ranked PvP mode.
    2. Can you tell me which quest(s) specifically you have this issue with?
    3. Every civilization unlocks milestones at level 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40. These will all apply to the current civilization you're on. In addition, you can pick one milestone from each of your other civilizations, assuming that you have that civilization (and that milestone) unlocked. :)
  4. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    For Milestones, each civ has 5 Milestone slots with 2 possible options (Not all the options are equal mind you) that, once picked, permanently benefits that civ.

    You can select one of these milestones on your other civ to benefit from it for as long as it's selected.

    So using Egypt as an example, at lvl 5, you can choose between 8% faster construction on buildings (One of the stongest available milestones in the game) or 50% conservation on Stone (Stone nodes provide 50% more stone before running out, very weak milestone). At lvls 10, 20, 30, and 40, you once again make a choice between 2 Milestone bonuses unique to each lvl.
    Once you make the choice between these, that option is permanent unless you spend 1000 empire points to reset it, and when playing on Egypt you will always have that bonus.

    Then, on Norse (Or any other civ), you can open up your Milestone menu and click on the lvl 5 Egypt milestone - This will make 4 little semi-circle lines appear around the milestone, and you benefit from that milestone on that civ. Unlike with the selection of the milestone itself, you can change this option to any other Milestone you have unlocked on that civ at any time, and you get 1 choice from every civ.

    So as Egypt, you can have 1 Celt milestone, 1 Norse, 1 Persia, 1 Roman, 1 Greek, and 1 Babylon (And when it's eventually released, 1 India) milestone, in addition to the 5 Egyptian Milestones.

    Thus, if you haven't already, you should make one of each civ - even if you do not like to play that civ - to benefit from their milestone bonus.
  5. Belstead

    Belstead Long Swordsman

    Mar 29, 2021
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    I am using the winter event to level all the civs I don't play up to lvl 40 doing a few of the quick repeatable event quests and the Sparta repeatables Doubling Down, Bronze Age, Silver Age, Golden Age (very quick to do and decent xp) and it happens often on various quests, I can't work out why.

    As I said the quest reward will say one figure, let's say 35k,l then when I turn it in the green onscreen XP message says 25k and only 25k has been added to my XP bar.

    I'm wondering if perhaps it has something to do with me going up a level between taking the quest and turning it in, as XP for these repeatables seems to scale according to level.
  6. Belstead

    Belstead Long Swordsman

    Mar 29, 2021
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    Frogs poison thanks for the reply, all the detail I wanted. I'm levelling all civs up to 40 to give me the max possible choice. Will read up on what's best for my playstyle.
  7. Belstead

    Belstead Long Swordsman

    Mar 29, 2021
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    @PF2K An example, this time in my favour. I just did Trade for Mosaic Tiles on my Greeks, level 30. Quest reward stated 35k, when I turn it in the green onscreen flash said 50k. I will post any more instances of this when it happens today so you can look into it if you have game logs for everyones civs.
  8. Belstead

    Belstead Long Swordsman

    Mar 29, 2021
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    Just happened again on Greeks doing the Sparta Doubling Down repeatable. Here are a couple of screenies showing the quest reward and the onscreen message when I turned it in.


    My XP bar went from 69784 to 104784 so got 35k.

    This sometimes happens in reverse so I get less than the XP stated.
  9. Belstead

    Belstead Long Swordsman

    Mar 29, 2021
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    And in reverse on The Golden Age repeatable. Same civ, lvl 30 Greeks. Quest reward said 70k, I turned it in and got 60k.
  10. Belstead

    Belstead Long Swordsman

    Mar 29, 2021
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    @PF2K also had this issue with Romans today but none of the other civs i'm also levelling up.
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