By PF2K on Dec 22, 2021 at 12:00 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello there Celeste players! The Winter Event is finally upon us and it is the biggest Event we've had in Project Celeste so far!

    To access the event, go to your Empire Store in your Capital City and find all the new quests for the event. Alternatively, you can access the Event content by going to Sparta. More detailed instructions below.

    You can find every detail regarding what's new in the event in the attached graphics! We hope that you all have lots of fun playing with friends during the event. :)

    Winter Event Special Login Rewards
    This year, we are bringing you guys a complete set of 35 login gifts for the entire duration of the Winter Event. These rewards will be taking over the regular daily login rewards, and will last until the very last day of the event.

    Similar to normal login rewards, the reward track will reset every Monday so don't miss your chance at logging in at least once every day to get every reward. If you log on days 1, 2, 4 and 5 of the week, you will get the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th rewards. Refer to the graphic above to see what reward is available on which day of the week.

    (PF2K's Personal Note: You don't want to miss the Axe of the Piercing Frost, the Wall Recipe, the Consumable Recipe and the Vanity Building set, guys! They are currently ONLY available via the Daily Login Rewards for the Winter Event.)

    Capital City Vanity Building Set: Winter Saturnalia
    For the first time ever, we are introducing Capital City Vanity Building Sets. For this set, you will receive the first piece for free when you first accept the introduction quest for the Winter Event, but the rest of the pieces are given out via the Daily Login Rewards.

    So let's break down the rest of the event details in a question-based list:

    1. How do I access the special event content?

    2. What is the new content available in the event?
    • 7 mini-game style Quests and 12 Legendary Quests, with awesome rewards.
      • Legendary: Merry, Merry Marion
      • Legendary: Candy Cane Kourion
      • Legendary: Questing in Woods on a Snowy Evening
      • Legendary: Ice King Mountain High Enough
      • Legendary: Winter Wonderland
      • Legendary: Run Rudolph Run
      • Legendary: Frosty Paphos for the Holidays
      • Legendary: You'll be Home for Yule (New!)
      • Legendary: Most Wonderful Time of the Year (New!)
      • Legendary: Frozen Roman Snowmen (New!)
      • Legendary: Impossibly Cold Cataclysm (New!)
      • Legendary: Io Saturnalia (New!)
    • Reindeer Games
    • The Ice King is Coming to Town
    • Do you fear what I hear?
    • Home for the Holidays
    • Spreading Yuletide Cheer
    • Dash Away All
    • Hamel the Yuletide Camel
    • New PvP Quests with AWESOME rewards.
    • All-new Gear, Vanity Gear and Capital City decoration: The Ice and Winter Vanity Sets are back! Gingerbread Residences also make a return, alongside the all-new Legendary Capital City Decoration buildings, Igloos.
    • Woolly Mammoth: This humungous beast for the frosty northern lands is now available to players as both Capital City Decoration and as a Legendary Consumable Unit.
    3. Where do I find the new PvE Quests?

    In the Winter Event exclusive Region, the Fortress of the Ice King

    4. Where can I get the new PvP Quests?

    In Sparta, from the Abominable Snowman next to the Statue of Dionysus.

    Note: When you accept the quest, you need to go to the Fortress of the Ice King, complete the "The Ice King Cometh!" quest, and then head back to Sparta to find the new event PvP quests from the Abominable Snowman Questgiver in Sparta.

    5. Can I get every event Item playing only PvP or only PvE?

    Yes! Everything is obtainable by playing either mode, but make sure to log in every day to get all the Login Rewards, too!

    6. What are Winter Points, what can I get with them and where do I spend them?


    Winter Points are the special currency of the Winter Event. You can use them to buy Vanity Gear, Capital City Decoration, Consumables, in addition to two of last years' Event Exclusive Gears all in the new Region's Store, Gingerbread Goodies.

    7. What new Gear is available for the Event?


    For the craftable gear, the first three new gear pieces crafted will cost one heart and have no cooldown between crafts; Then the next piece will cost two hearts and have no cooldown. After that, each piece will cost three hearts and there will be a 36 hour cooldown between each craft. These timers are tracked separately for each civilization.

    For the older pieces, everything will be the same as the new gear, except the crafting costs are 3, 3, 3, 6 and 9 Hearts.
    8. What are the Global Quests?

    They are quests that can be done in any game mode and inside any quest. They include, but are not limited to, the following types of quests:
    • Play Repeatable, Elite or Legendary Quests
    • Play Co-op Quests with your friends
    • Train, Kill and Convert enemy units in Ranked PvP matches.
    • Defeat special treasure guardians (Abominable Snowmen)
    • Material turn-in quests are back! Turn in your Obsidian Blocks, White Honey, Pure Gold Ingots, Arctic Fox Furs and Guayacan Planks in exchange for Winter Points.
    9. How long will the event last?

    The Event is planned to last until 2021/01/31 00:01 UTC (January 31st). There has been a timer added to the sidebar on the Forums with a countdown, indicating how long you will have to play the Winter Event.

    VERY IMPORTANT: Creating additional accounts and multi-accounting is FORBIDDEN and will result in permanent bans for ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNTS, including your main account! One account per player only.

    All current and future content will stay 100% free and accessible to everyone.
    Project Celeste Development Team

    What do you think about the Winter Event? What would you like to see next? Let us know in the comments below!

    The Romans are here! Watch the Overview Trailer.

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Read every Romans related blog HERE.
    Read every Indians related blog HERE.

    Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE.
    #1 PF2K, 3y 11w ago
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2021
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Dec 22, 2021.

    1. MainMan B

      MainMan B Berserker

      Feb 23, 2018
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      That looks extremely awesome...And those rewards just for participating...:fearscream::hearteyes::hearteyecat:
      Servimomia and Andy P XIII like this.
    2. RekiemOne

      RekiemOne Champion

      Jan 13, 2020
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      Hyped !!!! The gift we don't even ask for are the best ❤️
    3. ByFstugan

      ByFstugan Immortal

      Nov 17, 2017
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      This looks SOOO awesome. You guys just keep making things better and better <3

      Is there any chance we can get info about what materials the "RECIPE: Walls of the Piercing Frost" will use?
    4. Slyrevick

      Slyrevick Immortal

      May 22, 2020
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      Thanks :hearteyes:

      Will the Axe of the Ice King make its return by the end of the event ? :)
      Andy P XIII likes this.
    5. RekiemOne

      RekiemOne Champion

      Jan 13, 2020
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      Check the calendar on week 4 day7
      Slyrevick and Andy P XIII like this.
    6. Slyrevick

      Slyrevick Immortal

      May 22, 2020
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      There is so many rewards
      i didn't spot it.
      RekiemOne likes this.
    7. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      Hey everyone, remember: the Axe of the Piercing Frost should be used exclusively on your Norse Throwing Axemen. It is the only axe in the game that buffs maximum range, which makes the item specifically designed for the Norse Throwing Axeman. Using this axe anywhere but on that unit is a bit of a waste, particularly if a player were to equip it (and bind it) to a different civ. We know some players will invariably do this, but it would help us very much if people mentioned this when they can. In order to buffer against this, you can actually acquire a total of three of these axes during the event (W1D4, W2D5, W5D5). The other reasoning behind giving you each three axes where you only need one is so there will be plenty to sell/give away to others/newcomers once the event ends.
    8. Slyrevick

      Slyrevick Immortal

      May 22, 2020
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      Considering that mistake would be dramatic for some of us :D

      You could add a filter on the first axe

      I mean something like with the advisors :Requires Norse civilization
      #9 Slyrevick, 3y 11w ago
      Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
      Kulcsos12 likes this.
    9. CrimsonCantab

      CrimsonCantab Berserker

      Sep 14, 2018
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      So on Dec 26th, we'll be in Day 7 of this current week's daily login - so will the event's first login reward happen on the 27th, or will we skip Day 7 for this week?

      Edit - from PF2K's post, looks like it's still a Monday reset - so I'm assuming the first daily login reward won't happen until 24 hours into the event.
    10. Maavax

      Maavax Woad Raider

      Jul 8, 2020
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      Awesome! I can't wait to play new quests and test new items.
      Thanks again guys for all the work!
      RekiemOne, bbgambini and Andy P XIII like this.
    11. Kulcsos12

      Kulcsos12 Hippikon

      Nov 15, 2017
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      This is actually a very good suggestion! ;)
    12. purpleganja

      purpleganja Berserker

      Jul 29, 2019
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      This is so wonderful! So much new cool stuff and so many new leg quests it's incredible!

      I really like the ignore armor as frost theme. It's kind of specialization gear, but not as direct as bonus vs type of units. I can imagine swapping spears often depending on the maps.
      Tower creeping might be very powerful with all that increased dmg vs buildings. Bring out the Harjars builders and the engineers and the pots of greek fire!
      Harjar Commander Håvard can be a real build now lol!
      Fun things to think about!

      Thank you so much!
      RekiemOne and Andy P XIII like this.
    13. M477HI4S

      M477HI4S Spearman

      Mar 14, 2021
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      This is awesome!!! Thanks for all the work and effort put in this, can't wait! :grin:
      RekiemOne and Andy P XIII like this.
    14. frogs.poison

      frogs.poison Immortal

      May 19, 2020
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      The vanity items, are they only 1 per acccount?

      If so, I'll need to remember to claim on Norse only.
    15. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      Everything in the login gifts are one per human, yes.
      Slyrevick likes this.
    16. tjpetersen

      tjpetersen Spearman

      May 17, 2021
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      Is this where I can acquire it in any civ but then put it in the Empire Vault to access in the Norse civ?
    17. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      Yes, like most all other gear, until a player equips the gear on a unit, players should be able to freely move the gear in their empire vault and trade it to other players, too.
      RekiemOne, Slyrevick and tjpetersen like this.
    18. frogs.poison

      frogs.poison Immortal

      May 19, 2020
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      Looking at the log-in rewards, there seems to be a couple of inconsistencies?

      Week 3, Day 1: 100 Winter Points. Similar rewards are at 250 winter points.
      Week 5, Day 6: 1 Ice King Heart. All other Ice King Heart rewards on Day 6 are also accompanied by 10k coin.
      Hrmm, that's mostly it that I can notice.
    19. Fraxure022

      Fraxure022 Berserker

      May 18, 2019
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      My wife’s Romans are at level 40 but don’t have an Empire store. Anyone know why that might be?
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