Server Maintenance - [May 11, 2021]

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by martinmine, May 10, 2021.

  1. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Age Of Empires Online Celeste Fan Project will undergo planned server maintenance on the 11th of May 2021.
    17:00 CEST: The server will stop responding to login requests, meaning you will not be able to log on from this time.
    18:00 CEST: Start of maintenance.
    18:15 CEST: Expected end of maintenance.
    Chris23g likes this.
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  3. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Game server is now in maintenance mode and authentication has been disabled. Server maintenance will start in 60 min.
    bbgambini likes this.
  4. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    The server is now shutting down and starting update. Expected downtime is 30 minutes.
  5. martinmine

    martinmine Server Engineer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Aug 6, 2019
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    Server is back online!

    We had minor issues deploying the update, but hopefully everything should be fine.
  6. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    • Balance Changes:
      • Persian Magus: Hitpoints increased to 140, from 120. (To maintain consistency with other Priests)
      • Norse Seer: Hitpoints increased to 140, from 120. (To maintain consistency with other Priests)

    • Sparta PvP Updates:
      • -

    • Bugfixes:
      • Fixed an issue where the Skip Quest feature was not working properly.
      • Fixed some visual glitches and bugs on various buildings in different regions.

    • Roman Campaign:
      • Deliver the Supplies: Fixed an issue where the Merchant Transport would stop moving if its path was blocked for too long.

    • Quest Updates:
      • Legendary: Come Together: Fixed an issue with a few Legionary spawns that headed towards the wrong direction.

    • Art Updates:
      • Updated the Celtic Wonder's textures to better indicate its player colors.

    • Champion Mode Changes:
      • Greeks:
        • Divine Vision: Now also increases Healing Range by 20%. Upgrade cost increased to 800g, from 600g.
        • Hoplite Champion: Now also grants +25% Snare.
      • Egyptians:
        • -
      • Celts:
        • Silver Age: Research Time increased to 65 seconds, from 55. Number of Houses required for Age Up increased to 8, from 6.
        • Golden Age: Research Time increased to 85 seconds, from 75.
      • Persians:
        • Galley: Population Count reduced to 2, from 3.
        • Immortal: Now has 0.20 Pierce Armor baseline. Ranged Attack range reduced to 15, from 18. Hitpoints increased to 280, from 260.
          • Ranged Attack Rate increased by 25%. Ranged Attack Damage reduced by 20% (same effective DPS, just faster Ranged Attack).
        • Immortal Champion: Now grants +20% Maximum Range, instead of +20% Pierce Armor.
        • Blot out the Sun: Moved to Age III, from Age IV. Now grants +20% Maximum Range, from +30%, and reduces Bowmen and Takabaras' Health by 10%, from 15%. Cost reduced to 300w/300g, from 350w/350g.
        • War Wagon: Hitpoints reduced to 400, from 440.
      • Romans:
        • Praesidium: Now grants Castellums a Ranged Attack by default. You can increase this Attack's Damage and Maximum Range by garrisoning Villagers inside. Maximum Villager Capacity reduced to 5, from 10. Moved to Age II, from Age III. Base Attack Range reduced to 12, from 18. (Garrisoning Villagers will increase to range to 24).
        • Scorpio: Bonus vs Infantry reduced to 2.0x, from 2.25x. Bonus vs Ranged reduced to 1.75x, from 2.0x. Training Time increased to 22 seconds, from 21. Pierce Armor reduced to 0.70, from 0.85. Infantry Armor removed, from 0.20.
      • Babylonians:
        • Reinforced Cart (First Ox Cart Upgrade): Now also grants the ability to garrison 8 Villagers. Cost increased to 100w/25g, from 100w.
        • Cargo Expansion (Second Ox Cart Upgrade): Transport Capacity increase reduced to +4, from +8. Now also grants +15% Movement Speed. Cost reduced to 125w/125g, from 150w/150g.
        • Garden: Build Time reverted back to 30 seconds, from 40.
        • Bowman Champion: Now grants +10% Attack Rate and +10% Maximum Range, instead of -20% Training Time. Still grants -100% Gold Cost. Upgrade cost increased to 450g, from 300g.
        • Shield Bearer Champion: Now also grants +50% Crush Armor.
        • Royal Guard: Now has 0.20 Pierce Armor baseline. Hitpoints increased to 340, from 320.
        • Lancer: Bonus vs Infantry reduced to 1.5x, from 1.75x
        • Lancer Champion: Upgrade cost reduced to 400g, from 450g.
        • War Chariot: Hitpoints reduced to 525, from 700. Baseline Pierce and Crush Armor increased to 0.40, from 0.00. Bonus vs Ranged increased to 5.0x, from 3.0x. Attack Range increased to 20, from 18. Line-of-Sight increased to 22, from 20.
      • Norse:
        • Ulfhedinn Champion: Now also grants +20% Snare.
      • Global:
        • -
    • Updated the Champion Mode Website to the latest build.

    • UI Updates:
      • Swapped the location of the "Marian Reformation" and "Herbal Medicine" upgrades in the Roman Tech Tree to be more consistent with other Tech Trees. (Thanks to gamevideo for pointing this out!)
      • Train Time and Research Rate changes are now reflected on Buildings' stats tooltips (when you have, for example, equipped an Athenian Training Manual), similar to when you have Babylonian Gardens built.
        • The wording of the Greek Philosophy upgrade has been changed to allow for this change. (Old description: Reduces upgrade research time at all Buildings. New description: "Reduces the research time of all upgrades." So now it affects all upgrades directly, rather than the buildings they're researched in.)

    • Other Updates:
      • Fixed various typos and inconsistencies in tooltips and texts.
      • [Experimental] Added Hotkeys for Armory upgrades. They are unassigned by default so you will need to assign them yourself. You can find them under the "Armory Hotkeys" submenu in the Hotkeys menu.

    • XLive Changes:
      • - Potentially fixed the animation of a few units' healing actions under certain circumstances.

    • Backend Changes:
      • -
    Chris23g, Romaniac01 and bbgambini like this.
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