Ra Priestess rate increases do not seem to work correctly.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Romaniac01, Apr 26, 2021.

  1. Romaniac01

    Romaniac01 Champion

    Nov 1, 2019
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  3. Romaniac01

    Romaniac01 Champion

    Nov 1, 2019
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    I think i understand now.

    Normally it should be like this but the advisor is broken or applying a completely different logic.

    It appears like this from the onset without advisor.
    0.11 * (1+ staff increase) and then +1.
    Take for example the Ra's High Priestess' Golden Scepter. It has max 54.16% increase
    So you see 1.17 final figure because = 0.11 *(1+0.5416) + 1

    But the advisor does this:
    First applies the staff formulae and then the 1.20 times the above formulae.

    So Advisor alone is 1.11*1.2 = 1.332 and you can see that with the advisor solo.

    Applying the advisor with a staff gives more by 1.2 times total from above.
    E.g. 1.17 (from above) *1.2 = 1.4

    Therefore making the Advisor extremely powerful. I mean unbelievably powerful! please dont change it :-D

    But making the staff upgrades useless.
    #2 Romaniac01, Apr 26, 2021 at 1:43 PM
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2021
  4. Romaniac01

    Romaniac01 Champion

    Nov 1, 2019
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    If anyone asks why it is broken:

    if for example you just start the game and you have the Slave Driver and Amunet the Wise, you will get 16.65 of each resource instead of 12.5 of each resource when brought to a place with the Priestess of Ra.

    Without Amunet the Wise your Gather Rate would be 13,875... Almost 3 resources less per villager!!!!

    Having actual gear, you will gather Food at 22 a pop instead of 15.
    And I have already a large reduction from 18 sec to 15 sec in train rate of villagers, but this also makes villagers come out in about 10 secs.

    also makes buildings 33% faster!
    #3 Romaniac01, Apr 26, 2021 at 1:54 PM
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2021
  5. RekiemOne

    RekiemOne Champion

    Jan 13, 2020
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    I think the scalling on staffs is relative and not absolute like it is for the advisor, and imo that's for the better since there are so crazy values on scepters since day 1.
  6. Romaniac01

    Romaniac01 Champion

    Nov 1, 2019
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    The scaling on staffs have always been relative to the effective increase of the Prietess of Ra.

    Meaning that she starts with 11% more than normal. And if a staff gives her a 100% increase in one of the stats then now the Priestess would be able to help 22% more than normal. Train/Drop off/Build whatever.

    The advisor on the other hand, means that there is no other logical 2nd Advisor for Egypt except this one. You will always, i mean always be better with this advisor than any other.

    Because assuming again the scenario from above, a staff of 100% would give about 22% more than normal, but if you add the advisor to this mix, then Automatically the priestess allow 46.4% more than normal.

    So again simple:
    1. Only Priestess +11% for all 3
    2. Priestess with a staff of 100% more to stats = 22% more for all 3
    3. Priestess with just advisor no staff = 33.2% more for all 3
    4. Priestess with advisor and staff of 100% for stats = 46.4% for all 3...

    This makes the priestess awesome for building, for training and for gathering...

    So if the intention of the developers was to give empowering a purpose than awesome, this change completely changes the landscape and makes all users want to use the advisor and empower.

    If this is not the intention and the intention was to make empowering 20% more similar to the staff, as in 13.2% more than normal, then there was a mistake in implementation.
  7. RekiemOne

    RekiemOne Champion

    Jan 13, 2020
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    The purpose of the advisor rework is to make ppl use them more for sure
  8. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Yes, but if Amunet turns out to be the next Dumnorix but only for Egyptian that might also be problematic. For most civs you can really use any A2 advisor you want atm (And most A1 advisors), so balance there is pretty good. I guess Amunet is pretty cheap as well.
  9. Romaniac01

    Romaniac01 Champion

    Nov 1, 2019
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    At the moment he is like 600 coins. I told people he is the best and I offered him for free and nobody wants it....I ended up selling it to the shop.

    It is not exactly as powerful if you miss manage. For people that do not train enough priestesses of ra this is worthless... if you do not empower the storage house then you don't get the benefit but if you do micro manage well then it can easily help with the early game.

    So maybe that was the idea...I donno... tbh I always used the priestess all of the time in the early game... cos even the usual 11 to 20% more for stuff is great... but I guess not enough used it... thus maybe a different implementation.
  10. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    I believe that it's because it's currently "Sleeper OP", along with the fact that Amunet has long been flooding the market back when it was a less useful - 50% gold on all research (Which was still plenty strong, just not as strong a Dumnorix).

    As it stands, as long as you micro-manage Priestesses, Amunet is basically the combination of ALL of the following advisors: Philon, Zephyrs, all A1 resource advisors, all train time reduction advisors, ect. Though you do both spend several extra pop on extra priestesses.
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