Quest Rewards "Tarsos Legendaries"

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by rtsgamer, Oct 17, 2020.

  1. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    Something went wrong on the first Halloween event?!
    Quest leg. Thymbra, location tarsos
    Everything was fine?! We have farmed the event special items?! And somehow... someone decided that it was easy to farm or didn't agreed how it was, idk.. It's OK! But the point is the quest is harder from there on and one chest is removed from map..!
    The quest is very well made and makes a lot fun to play but the rewards needs really to be changed, on my eyes!
    Look, there re already some weekly quests which can be done in around 20mins. what I want to say with that is the time consuming to finish Thymbra speaks also to boost the rewards. Just let it rewarded like a weekly one and it's fine, can also be a weekly one 6day cooldown, that doesn't matter tho...:cool: ty, cya.
    PS: I can suggest same for opis leg. xD
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  3. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    In the very first Halloween event, players received materials much differently than they do in today's event. Players would play regular legendary quests back then for a random chance of a special event guardian that would pop up in place of the normal guardians on the map. These guardians held the materials needed to craft our first event reward item (Zahhak's Sword of the Undying) . Needless to say, the structure of the event back then caused a farm fest. Instead of players completing quests to earn rewards, they would simply (and logically) send units as quickly as possible straight to the loot guardians, and restart the quest, and repeat. This was our first event, we were figuring things out, and the way the event was played, was not our original intentions.
    The reason the quest you mentioned was so popular, is because it had very easily accessible guardians that offered no enemy units preventing an immediate clear path. Coupled with a very odd game mechanic that let the player have super fast villagers, that ran and built like soneone light a match under their backside it caused quite the farm exploit fest. This was never our intention for the quest, and these exploits have since been fixed.
    Not only do we want to encourage players to not use exploits, and encourage them to immidiatly report any you find, I also want to say, they are exploits, and won't be brought back. They break intended game design, and we all want to have a great game here, a game that can be enjoyed for years to come.
    Quest reward adjustments:
    We have been working on adjusting the rewards of quests to better reflect rewards compared to the quest difficulties. I can not give you an exact E.T.A. on the precise release, but coin rewards collectively will be scaled down slightly, abd chest rewards scaled up the same. This is not saying that is the specific case for every quest, but we plan to buff and nerf, rewards on mainly our own quests, but a few old ones that rewards do really not make sense compared to how difficult they are.
    I hope this answers your questions, as I am not exactly sure what the question was, but tried my best.
    #2 Jeinx, 4y 20w ago
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2020
    rtsgamer likes this.
  4. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    Ty for the answer m8, u have explained what was going on very well. Let's say for us players the farm fest made very much fun :) but I'll give u the right, if it's not designed that way, u have to change it and u have done that. But OK anyway u have already mentioned that u have an eye on it to balance out, I am happy with that, ty, cya around m8. greetz. :cool:
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