Good PC but framedrops often.

Discussion in 'Misc' started by Odinsblade, Sep 25, 2020.

  1. Odinsblade

    Odinsblade Villager

    Sep 25, 2020
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    Hi, first of all im so hyped and glad to see AOEO back online and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart project celeste. This was one of my favorite childhood games. Keep up the good work.
    Now to the problem:
    I have a modest to high end PC ( gtx 1060 6gb , i5 3200 8 ram ssd, etc.
    I always start the game(normal quests/ skirmishes etc) with 120 + fps but in the middle of the game it drops to 40-50 and sometimes even to 30 when i engage in a battle.
    I saw more people having this problem, but i never saw a specified solution, can someone help me with this ? I tried to modify most of the graphics options but that doesnt seem to be the problem.
    Is it a windows 10 problem ? a direct X12 problem ?
    i have my graphic driver up to date

    This framedrop only happens when i hover the mouse over an object to see its info, it swtiches from 100+ to 40 in 1 seconds... everytime i see an unit/building/anything tooltip...
    Update 2:
    disabling game world tooltip in options seems to fix this ? but only for random mouse hovering, if i check the info of a unit , the framerate drops again
    #1 Odinsblade, Sep 25, 2020 at 8:06 PM
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2020
  2. EvaderGR

    EvaderGR Villager

    Mar 27, 2018
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    I'd say that the problem is probably your CPU since the game, like most RTS games, is more CPU intensive. The i5 3200 is showing his age during those battles :/

    Apart from that, I have an R7 2700XT/ 5700XT/ 32gb and I still have big frame drops during big battles with many units. I'm not sure if this is something that devs can fix easily, however after a while you kinda get used to it.
    #2 EvaderGR, Sep 25, 2020 at 10:24 PM
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2020
  3. Odinsblade

    Odinsblade Villager

    Sep 25, 2020
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    i dont think its the cpu since i run alot of other cpu intensive games without problem like Fallout 4/76 , witcher 3 , wow at max settings most of them
    As i said, this fps drop only occures when a tooltip is shown ( dont know why) so maybe its an engine optimization problem and the devs could look into it i hope
  4. levick

    levick Spearman

    Oct 11, 2019
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    I have an i7-7820HK CPU and gtx 1080 (desktop) in a laptop with 16gb of ram, nvme 1TB for storage. Almost every game, fps drops to even 15!!!! In huge battles (max population battles) of laptop is plugged in, even OC-d a bit. I tried to fiddle with settings, a bit better with shadows to low alias to low and stuff, but eh... I read that this is using BANG, same engine as aoe 2,3 and mith I think. I wonder and I will test if I can see how many of the cores BANG can utilize. I hope it utilizes all, but I assume it only using one maybe hence the terrible fps. In this case better to have a higher hz cpu on one core than multi core cpu with low hz for this title. Who knows.
  5. LordDarling

    LordDarling Villager

    May 14, 2021
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    Having similar framerate drops as Odinsblade even though my rig is a little bit faster - i5-4460, geforce 1660 ti - Would love to see this ironed out if possible. I've tried running everything on the lowest settings and didn't notice much difference, which makes me wonder if it was an engine problem, since I'm well above the recommended specs.

    Made sure the application is running my GPU, but the game still seems to lean heavy on the CPU. 60/40. Curious if anyone on a new/faster CPU is still having the problem?
    #5 LordDarling, May 14, 2021 at 11:40 AM
    Last edited: May 14, 2021
    Deco likes this.
  6. Deco

    Deco Villager

    Mar 9, 2022
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    it seems this game only uses 4 cores, which is a bummer. my frames dropes hardly in fights and even while scrolling the cam on an empty map. don't know why.
    could be because of the engine.
  7. Donar

    Donar Berserker

    Dec 5, 2021
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    I have an fairly old computer, it is ok to me but sometimes when i play a longer quest / time i get insane lags / framedrops. When i restart the game it gets a lot better.
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