By PF2K on Jul 22, 2020 at 6:27 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello everyone. In light of recent events and what's been happening on our Discord server, we believe that the community deserves to know the truth about what's been going on within the Project Celeste development team.

    We have prepared this letter for all of you to read. It's a long message, but it's certainly worth reading.

    Letter to the Project Celeste Community

    You can share your thoughts either here, or on our Discord server.

    Thank you and see you in the game,

    Project Celeste Development Team
    levick, Faluzure, Exclusive0r and 3 others like this.
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Jul 22, 2020.

    1. Fristi61

      Fristi61 Champion

      Jun 22, 2019
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      It's sad that people like you guys, who have been doing this project purely out of passion and kindness to a community without any expectation of profit or personal gain, have had to deal with this kind of situation and the emotional ramificiations of it.
      You deserve better.
      Much love and respect to all of you.
    2. Exclusive0r

      Exclusive0r Immortal

      Nov 5, 2018
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      Wow !!!
      What a "ShitStorm" ..... speechless ....
      (Just when I had got the handle on Offline to write quests and understand the architecture , my inner geek was proud)

      Sad how a team of people working to a common goal can splinter ..
      I would definitely cry if my game was pruned ... so many hours

      I hope it all comes together for you guys , small teams suffer more ....
      I never judge, not part of my philosophy, what's done is done ... it is what t is ...

      But I really hope the team learns and improves without the weight ...
      Props to all .... going forward you have my support ....

      EDIT :
      Read a lot more, I still won't judge, no point, blame game is a dumb game , it it was it is. I am a medically retired geek, used to run teams now I play Celeste and still code and geeky stuff mostly for the wife.

      But really a team member who isn't in the team, regardless of the reasons needs to wake up and smell coffee... move back into the team or move out. It has a lot to do with reading the runes so to speak and not assuming one is indispensable. This is especially true for small teams. So I hope we can all (like everyone) move on from this .. truly. Because, although I don't judge I am selfish and I would be gutted if this all fell apart ...
      #3 Exclusive0r, Jul 23, 2020 at 9:58 PM
      Last edited: Jul 24, 2020
      t31os, FeteFatale and MatrixSoft like this.
    3. Felipe

      Felipe Spearman

      Nov 18, 2017
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      That was painful, though necessary, to read. I'm sorry about you guys having to deal with this, and I include Ryddag there too: he's got stuff to deal with, and I'm sure he started with good intentions, but I see why you guys had to make the decision. Although I haven't been active lately, I come here from time to time to read updates, and I commend you @PF2K for writing the letter: it's never easy to let the whole community learn about a fragile topic, since it's hard to think of an unbiased way to writing it. Also I have to thank the whole team for keeping this game going; it's a voluntary project and the growth of the game just shows how passionate, disciplined and capable everyone is. I'm sure this decision was the right one and hopefully we'll see the game grow even larger. Thanks you guys, and once again thank you @PF2K for choosing to communicate over silence.

      RASPUTINPRIME Champion

      May 27, 2019
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      thank you for taking the time to write out an explanation. These things happen even more often with volunteer projects than with paid work. I'm sure i'm not alone in thinking something was up and i'm glad it appears the right decision was made. The devs have to enjoy what they are doing and who they are working with is an essential element.

      However long it takes, it will be worth the wait.
      Exclusive0r and FeteFatale like this.
    5. Wabbajack

      Wabbajack Villager

      Jul 24, 2020
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      Generally, I am a lurker in the game and on the Forums but I had to write and show my gratitude.

      What you have went through was really tough. I guess you guys, deserve a big THANK YOU from us. Without your selfless commitement and dedication, I would not be able to enjoy this beautifull and fun game.

      I am really glad that you have cured the disease within the devteam and set yourself a new and wonderful track. Again, thank you for everything you have done in the past and will do in the future.

      No matter the time, your content will always be worth waiting, I know it.

      I wish you all the best.
    6. Pazoe

      Pazoe Spearman

      Jul 27, 2019
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      Ouch, long update but worth the read.
      I hope you guys all get through this setback, and find back the joy in working on this project! Hopefully with even more people who left, making the dev team even stronger. Just know all of you are very much appreciated by the community, and we have the patience for you guys to get everything back on track.
      I apparently was one of the people removed from the discord server, but i rejoined (even though i don't really get how discord works :blush:) and hope the community gets back to its former levels soon enough!

      Question about donations: if we make new donations from now on, where do they end up?
      Exclusive0r likes this.
    7. mpwood123

      mpwood123 Villager

      Apr 10, 2020
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      What an amazing read and I speak for everyone when we all say we appreciate you explaining the situation rather than sitting in silence. I must admit I am not an avid poster on the forums and my friend and I usually play ALOT of PVE quests as we just love the game itself. Going from an original user back in the day when AOEO first began and being upset to find it was stopping to then almighty happiness to find that a great team of people have kept it going for all of us.

      Keep going through tough times and things will pay off, we are all here for each other with everything that is going on, friendship and community is all we need.

      Looking forward to the many new updates your relentless hard work will bring us. :)
    8. Robotukas

      Robotukas Villager

      Jan 13, 2018
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      Ryddag can't be a lead developer or work in any future projects as a team. Attitude and manners can bring the project down.

      It is very important to encourage people, communicate and make a nice work environment. I wish a lot of luck and creative guys.
    9. Slyrevick

      Slyrevick Immortal

      May 22, 2020
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    10. Fraxure022

      Fraxure022 Berserker

      May 18, 2019
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      Wow. What a read. I’ve always worried that my favorite game was living on a razors edge, and here’s the proof. So glad the team pulled through.

      I’ve always loved your transparency, and I cannot express enough how much I appreciate the work you’ve all done here simply for the love of the game and out of the kindness of your hearts. It’s crazy to me; you look at the world we live in and you’d think everyone hates each other. But here we all, a small community that crosses oceans and borders brought together by a shared hobby. Kind of shows that people aren’t really so different.

      I’m curious to see how development changes. My preferred method of play kind of aligns with what the guy was pushing; I prefer PvE and want a clear endgame. I don’t like farming for level 37 chests to get a blue item, I like having lvl.40 stuff be BiS. Not at the cost of people’s dignity though. I’ll certainly agree PvP wasn’t rewarding enough to entice me to endure it any more than I had to, so I’ll be cool to see how that evolves now.

      Keep up the good work team. You’ve no idea the impact you have on people. I’m so ready for Rome.
      Kire likes this.
    11. Ramon_NC

      Ramon_NC Villager

      Jul 16, 2019
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      Man I just read this and I'm speechless. I logged in (normally I just read without bothering to log in) to say that I'm sorry for you guys and I hope all is well. The post starts strong with the reference to the text Ryddag wrote: imo, that's fair you did and many would not bother to. Also thanks for also not overspilling information, as I gather from your text more has happened but does not need to get out.
      Just a rambly post to say I hope you guys (and Ryddag) are doing well, keep up good spirits and thanks for a very healthy, balanced document. May you have fun again working on this wonderful project.
    12. levick

      levick Spearman

      Oct 11, 2019
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      Just wow.
      I'm a senior dev who worked in both startups and huge global companies and this kind of behavior is totally unacceptable and professional workplaces would not tolerate this for a day.
      As far as transparency in donations... I almost broke my gaming laptop... How dare he not f***n be transparent? Makes me unspeakably angry.
      The PR (pull request) comments are totally correct. (Everyone knows that you don't use goto) PR comments are to discuss and learn better tricks coding standards etc. from each other.

      I wish you all the best nd keep up the good work, I love every aspect of the game!
      Kire likes this.
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