By PF2K on Feb 19, 2020 at 8:48 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hey there Celeste players! We are bringing you another community contest. This time, you will be helping us redesign Chieftain Combutis - an Age II Advisor. Why does this Advisor need a redesign, you ask? It is because he has the exact same effect as Odysseus, an Age I Advisor, awarded to all players when they defeat him in the Skirmish Hall.

    Since the previous reworks for the Advisors have been very well received, we are open to more reworks for remaining not-so-useful Advisors such as this one.

    If you have any suggestions for how this Advisor should be changed, let us know in the comments section below!

    If you need some examples, you can see how the other Advisors have been reworked HERE

    You can also find a list of all current Advisors HERE (Remember to change the text in the search field as you see fit.)


    Remember, the contest will end on March 1st, 2020. So make sure to submit your entry before then! Don't forget to include your in-game name in your entry post!

    We're excited to see what ideas you guys come up with!

    PF2K's personal note: I'd much prefer to keep this guy in Age II so ideally you shouldn't move him across the Ages. This doesn't mean he can't work on other ages, though! However, I'd say Age IV is a definite no.
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Feb 19, 2020.

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    1. weisi

      weisi Woad Raider

      Nov 24, 2017
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      In game name:weisi
      increase attack rate of infantry 20%/15%/10%/5%
    2. Leow193

      Leow193 Woad Raider

      Jul 2, 2018
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      In-game name: leow193

      Suggested change: Barrack cost reduced by 5%/7.5%/10%/12.5%
      AND increase max population by 2/3/4/5 population per barracks (max +5/15/20/25)

      Reason for this change: Well, he seems to be a guy building more comfortable barracks, so there might be some places to sleep/live in those improved barracks
    3. TheSpaniard

      TheSpaniard Berserker

      Jan 15, 2019
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      In-game name: xTheSpaniardx

      Suggested change: All buildings cost 20%/15%/10%/5% less wood.

      Reason for this change: Still stays with the idea of reducing the cost of construction, would be more viable, and would provide an advisor that affects wood cost of buildings instead of the typical stone or instead of just affecting specific buildings like towers, houses, fortresses, or town centers. However, it's not so overpowered that it would be in the realm of legendary advisors or would introduce power creep or imbalance.
    4. Romaniac01

      Romaniac01 Champion

      Nov 1, 2019
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      In-game name: Árd-Rí

      Suggested Change: Reduce Build time for All Military Buildings by 15% (Epic). 12/9/6% for Rare/Uncommon/Common respectively.
      AGE II.

      Reason for change: Clarly as mentioned there is already an advisor for reduce cost of barracks. But also on top of that it might be useful and might make some civilisations use this over the usual caravan speed advisor.

      The norse might actually use this because their units will now be able to build faster though other civs might also build a lot of forward camps for re-enforcements. My opinion is that mid to late game usually speed is preferred over resource quantity, thus making this guy valuable.

      The exact percentage of the reduction of build time can be adjusted a lot depending on testing.

    5. RekiemOne

      RekiemOne Champion

      Jan 13, 2020
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      In game name : RekiemOne

      I would suggest : advancing to silver age Cost 20 27 34 40 % less

      Reason for this change:
      By doing a "mini" Councilman Onesiphoros, that allows us to rush faster while leveling up, and even for late game content there are quest where most of the time civs don't need age 4 to win. That's an alternative to rush quicker ans or investissement more into military while aging
    6. PedroAlmeida72

      PedroAlmeida72 Woad Raider

      Nov 28, 2017
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      In-game name: PedroAlmeida72

      Suggested change: upgrade to age III 30% cheaper.

      Reason for this change: in some quests where you need to upgrade age fast, this might be a good alternative to Dumnorix.
    7. Firaa

      Firaa Villager

      Nov 29, 2017
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      In-game name: Firaa

      Suggested change: Barracks have 20%/30%/40%/50% more health, and build in 20%/30%/40%/50% less time.

      Reason for this change: This bonus is similar to the effect provided by Chieftain Britomartus, another (celtic) advisor from Age II, but instead provides the bonus to barracks. The increased health and building speed would enable building stronger proxy/satellite barracks. It doesn't directly conserve wood (50 per barracks as an epic did before), but it will save 25 seconds of villager time, which is kind of like saving wood. In the late game, this advisor could have saved upwards of 750 seconds of villager time in a game where 30 barracks are built. More durable barracks would also be more difficult to quickly raze, and would make much more effective barriers. At the very least, the simplest application would be rapidly erecting barracks at the beginning of a mission.

      This advisor would have both defensive and offensive applications, and instead of stepping on Odysseus' toes, would synergize well with him.
    8. Max the Dragon

      Max the Dragon Woad Raider

      Sep 11, 2018
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      IGN: Maximillian

      Change: Villagers Repair faster, and use less Resources to repair. (Not sure on percentages, not my area of expertise hehe) Move to Age III

      Reason: Honestly just seems like a fun, Niche idea that could be used in many interesting ways. Also, It's one of the few things left that no Advisor already does. It would also make an interesting choice to use on Heavy Defensive maps, or for Crete missions. Also, if the repair rate and cost applies to ships and not just buildings, it could be used on a lot of the mid to late game water-heavy maps, where there is as of now maybe only one or two choices people choose.
    9. Xelior

      Xelior Villager

      Feb 21, 2020
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      In-game name : Xelior

      Suggested change : infantry gain 5/10/15/20/25% attack rate

      Reason for this change : We have a lot of advisor that give health regen or speed or range but there is no advisor that give attack rate for now.
      Some infantry unit could benefit of this advisor for the early game.
    10. bbgambini

      bbgambini Hippikon

      Nov 25, 2017
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      In-game name: bbgambini

      Suggested change: Caravans carry 25% more gold

      Reason for this change: Savvy Merchant Zeno should be brought into Age 2 to compete vs Dumnorix (increase the %). Players will now have the option to choose between more caravans but higher population OR less caravans with more gold per and less travel distance. The change would be to bring down Savvy from age 4 and get rid of combutis altogether.
    11. JoshTheAspi

      JoshTheAspi Long Swordsman

      Oct 7, 2019
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      In-game name: JoshTheAspi

      Suggested change: Ranged siege units attack +10%/15%/20%/25% faster (move to age 4)

      Reason for this change: I think that change would make this advisor stand out more while also being a throwback to the aoe2 celts.
    12. NemesisQs

      NemesisQs Villager

      Jan 1, 2020
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      IGN: NemesisQ

      Suggested change: giving infantry more snare resistance 10/15/20/25%

      Reason for change: I believe there are not much modifiers that grant infantry resistance to snare the enemy priests can be a pain on some maps where they have a high count of units that can convert units and it can be a pain so some resistance to that would be awesome and can give you a little more time to act in order to prevent it.

      BestRegards- NemesisQ
    13. SmearyNebula33

      SmearyNebula33 Spearman

      Dec 30, 2018
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      Very simple: Why not delete / remove him? :)
      We have already too many advisors...

      In-Game name: SmearyNebula33
    14. AttackSheep

      AttackSheep Spearman

      Nov 29, 2017
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      In-game name: AttackSheep

      Suggested change:
      - Infantry units cost 5%,4%,3%,2% less.

      Reason for this change:
      - Staying true to his infantry related theme, I believe an advisor that deals with cost (A fusion of Trainer Thoth and Lord Eochaid Muighmedon, but to a much more narrow scope and not as strong) like this would be highly desirable in legendary missions where replenishing an army several times throughout is required. Saving anywhere from 2 - 7 resources per unit might not seem like much, but when building an army over and over again can save several hundreds to thousands of resources.

      Or what I would really like to see:

      Suggested change:
      - Infantry units cost 5%,4%,3%,2% less, and attack 10%,8%,6%,4% faster.

      Reason for this change:
      - I think this would be a bit much, but it would make him a very strong choice to compete with the current gold meta.
      PF2K likes this.
    15. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      We have King Minos for this!
      ...ReignOfRagnarok and NemesisQs like this.
    16. NemesisQs

      NemesisQs Villager

      Jan 1, 2020
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      Thank you I am ashamed I actually didn't know this lolz thank you!
      Sorry for the same idea >.<!

      ...ReignOfRagnarok likes this.
    17. Hawkster

      Hawkster Champion

      Jan 21, 2020
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      In-game name: Hawkster

      Suggested change: Stable costs 10/15/20/25% less wood. Stable units train 8/12/16/20% faster.

      Reason for this change: Stable costs 250 wood to build, which is expensive compared to barrack and archery range. Also, as I play many quests, I found out that people are using ranged units very often, and infantry units when playing Celts and Norse, but rarely using calvery units. So I want this revise advisor to give some advantages to stable and encourage people to use stable units more often.

      Reducing stable costs will relieve a burden for wood consumption and turn accumulated woods to economic or make defensive structure. Training fast is for the situation when people are going mass stable units. Stable units somewhat have longer training time than infantry or ranged units, making the reinforcement coming slower than the other two. I believe training stable units faster will make players to mange mass stable build more easier.
    18. CriticalCurio

      CriticalCurio Long Swordsman

      Feb 23, 2020
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      IGN: Thorin

      Suggestion1: Infantry and Cavalry units move 10% 8% 6% 4% faster and gain critical strike chance 10% 8% 6% 4%

      Suggestion2: Infantry and Cavalry units cost 10% 8% 6% 4% less and train 10% 8% 6% 4% faster.

      I assume you would like to make a popular, useful Age 2 advisor. One to replace Dunmorix for cavalry and infantry missions. Since you will always use Gaiana for archers and Horus for sea battle quests.

      Probably you make like 40 caravans with Dunmorix you save up to 1000 food and 1000 wood and gain a tons of gold cause of the faster trades in the early 10 minutes of a game, then after that you will gain another tons of extra gold until you finish. Since Dunmorix boost early and even end game eco you have to add something what is able to compete with him both early and endgame.

      If you are not using Dunmorix you will need extra civilians to covert all those missing resources resulting in slower tech up, building up, smaller size armies, slowering your whole game progress.

      So the idea is to make the smaller infantry and cavalry armies more battle efficient.

      See an example of Lower Nile if im using Dunmorix i have no problem with Woads or Horseman completing the wonder objective, but if im using anything else advisor in Age 2 i have problem.
      (If im using Toxotes or Chariot Archers with Gaiana i still have no problem, but infantry and cavalry without Dunmorix are crap.)

      Since 1k food and 1k wood eco boost in the early 10 minutes of a game is outstanding, you need to boost infantry and cavalry battle efficiency at least 15% to be competitive with Dunmorix.
    19. ...ReignOfRagnarok

      Oct 29, 2019
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      In-game name: ReignOfRagnarok

      Suggested change: Instantaneous dispensation of a set amount of resources (e.g. 500 food, 500 gold, 500 lumber, 250 stone) upon upgrading to Age 2.

      Reason for this change: Competes with Dumnorix while promoting a change away from turtling and toward rushing. Also a nostalgic throw-back to shipments in Age of Empires III.
    20. Gara V

      Gara V Spearman

      Feb 29, 2020
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      In-game name: GaraV

      Suggested change:
      Infantry and/or cavalry do 10%/20%/30%/40% more damage to civilian units (villagers, priests, caravan, etc).

      Reason based on history:
      "The Gauls attacked the Greeks at Thermopylae, but were initially forced to retreat by their better armed opponents. Brennus sent 40,000 infantry and 800 cavalry under Combutis and Orestorius back over the Spercheius to invade Aetolia, hoping to persuade the Aetolian contingent in the Greek army to leave Thermopylae and return to defend their homeland. The plan worked"

      Combutis was sent of to spread fear under Aetolian population so that their forces would withdraw. This was done mostly by focussing crimes on civilian population.
      PF2K likes this.
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