Losing game sound

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by t31os, Jan 3, 2020.

  1. t31os

    t31os Berserker

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Happens seemingly random (could be within a hour, or after numerous) for myself and at least one other person (friend i coop with gets the exact same thing). I'll be playing a quest and lose all sound except some quest completion music and occasionally hear a sound effect stuck on loop (like a building under attack). The music will end and the loop will stop once the quest is left and they'll be no sound at all, the game will function as normal but without sound. I've tried toggling the sound off and on ingame which makes no difference.

    If i then exit the game the spartan process does not end and has to be killed manually through task manager in order to start the game again, but doing so illeviates the issue with sound (ie. it returns to normal).

    Only noticed this issue since the winter event started, no such issues in years.
    truetorment likes this.
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  3. FinishedBlock21

    FinishedBlock21 Hippikon

    Aug 16, 2018
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    This is a known issue, losing sound and getting white screen, usually after playing for a long time, especially when playing graphically heavy quests, like winter ones, well of urd etc. Best thing to do is restart the game every 1-2h.
    Ardeshir likes this.
  4. t31os

    t31os Berserker

    Nov 15, 2017
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    Don't get the white screen, game keeps working, just minus the sound. Some confirmation it's a known issue is good though, i'll just have to make a habit of restarting once in a while. Managed a solid 10 hours of gameplay last night and only had it happen once.
  5. Unknown Maniac

    Unknown Maniac Berserker

    Nov 9, 2019
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    The sound keeps droping for me as well, usually after completing quest but it doesn't matter for how long I have been playing, it just happens.
  6. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Yeah, the severity seems a bit hit and miss depending on your hardware, and the main fixes seem to be restarts and minimizing alt tabbing if it's problematic. Funnily enough, I have newer hardware than the game that also isn't brand new (2015-17 desktop hardware, 7th gen intel cpu on 6th gen board, 10 series nvidia card), and find my game more stable than most do I think (I alt tab and run stuff in the background a lot as a streamer) and my main problem is occasional crashes generally after a couple hours playing. Laptops that are either older or newer than that era seem to be the really problematic ones for graphics and audio glitching from my experience reading other threads like this.
  7. t31os

    t31os Berserker

    Nov 15, 2017
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    I don't really suffer crashes, sometimes the game will just end itself and silently disappear(i guess that's technically a crash of sorts), but aside from that and the sound issue of late, it's pretty(relatively) stable for me (and i do alt+tab frequently to manage stuff on the second screen). My system is a good 6 years old now, but it's still clicking and clanking along just great, nothing out there i need a newer build for, if it's not broke....
    Ardeshir likes this.
  8. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    ...Don't fix it!

    For sure, I've just noticed that desktops from my era seem the most stable in the game (as in we still get problems, but after hours of playing, and rarely having graphics issues in high-max settings the more-expensive notebooks often do), which isn't surprising. 2nd and 3rd-most recent gen hardware (desktop) typically has the best OS and driver support for it (in the current windows OS, being windows 10), so making any application run on it properly is generally easier.

    Truth be told we all need to restart (or have crashes) every now and then though. The game was built for an OS from over a decade ago.
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