Re-Con Man Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by aceloki, Oct 10, 2019.

  1. aceloki

    aceloki Long Swordsman

    May 5, 2019
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    Currently the game has two common consumables that drop from either Moe's or Quest chests that provide a consumable for either a Greek or Egyptian scout. It is called Re-con man common.

    The consumable Greek Scout only being able to be used with Greeks obviously and the Egyptian Scout with the Egyptians.

    It would seem logical that the Persians, Babylonians, Celts and Norse [ even the Romans when they come] have access to this consumable. They could be a general store or special store consumable. [For example Nubian Elephant consumables were added to the game in store; where they were chest only previously]

    The teams without a current re-con man are not heavily disadvantaged by the absence of a back-up consumable scout - but just occasionally even a well geared scout can be eliminated early and only the Greeks and Egyptians have a consumable to replace their scout [if they wish] but not other teams unless they spend EP. I know the Norse have two scouts already and this gives them a different advantage and war dogs also can be geared for LOS scouting. However; scouts have the superior moving LOS and even the Norse deserve a replacement consumable.

    It could be argued on a solo mission if you lose your scout ; you can use watch-towers etc .However nothing opens up a map initially; quicker than a moving scout. Lose it early; you feel game blind.

    So I think the suggestion is valid because a player can currently with the Greeks and Egyptians summon a second cheap consumable scout immediately in PvE but the Babylonians, Persians and Celts can not unless they use EP scout.. Currently only Greeks and Egyptians can currently replace a lost scout cheaply during a game. Many players probably have a mini stack of spare Greek and Egyptians scouts collected from chests or Moe's.

    It just seems a reasonable idea; as even using the current re-con man consumable with Greek and Egypt it has a three minute cool down.

    In summary the suggestion is a re-con man consumable for other teams that drops or is general store available, not just Greek and Egyptian. Persians, Babylonians, Norse and Celts to access a spare scout must currently use EP.
    #1 aceloki, Oct 10, 2019 at 7:18 AM
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2019
    Exclusive0r and bbgambini like this.
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  3. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
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    Oct 24, 2017
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    Thanks for the suggestion! I will look into it further after the Halloween event.
    aceloki likes this.
  4. bbgambini

    bbgambini Hippikon

    Nov 25, 2017
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    Norse already has extra LOS with the Seer's raven that can be controlled, so I think they wouldn't need another Scout but the idea is pretty cool
  5. aceloki

    aceloki Long Swordsman

    May 5, 2019
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    The Norse as you rightly indicate do have that special Raven, a unique additional LOS option. But as you said the chance of a straight forward extra scout would be cool- for each city without it costing EP and even if you choose the EP option- then each city is tied to its EP purchase of scouts. The only current exceptions re-con man for Egypt and Greeks. I also think an additional point supporting a wider all civs scout chest or general store coin purchase in each city: is for players beginning. We forget with our high powered Lens of Menes scouts what it was like at level twenty and scouting on maps we didn't know by heart.. We may all appreciate a scout consumable levelling the Romans one day. As PF2K has indicated above -they will look at this request when they can. I think we will all gain some flexibility with an additional scout replacement option for all civs.
    #4 aceloki, Oct 11, 2019 at 9:53 AM
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2019
  6. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    Should I stop vendoring these recon man consumables? :eek:
    aceloki likes this.
  7. Kulcsos12

    Kulcsos12 Hippikon

    Nov 15, 2017
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    It will be easier to balance if we can train a Scout(s) in the TC with 1 built limit like the Norse Cheif.
    aceloki likes this.
  8. aceloki

    aceloki Long Swordsman

    May 5, 2019
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    "It will be easier to balance if we can train a Scout(s) in the TC with 1 built limit like the Norse Chief." -Kulcsos- I think you are actually spot on- it is the chance to replace a lost scout which is the key use of Re-con man currently for the Greeks and Egyptians. The replacement idea would be very fair with a limit of one operating in the game at a time. [Replacing the two Norse scout -one at a time- the same way for balance.] How this replacement is done eventually ; the real balance is for all civilisations to have a scout replacement mechanism; not just Greece and Egypt . So currently suggested ideas are: as a consumable re-con man or through the TC. Any other good ideas on scout replacement -please post.
  9. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    What quests are you guys playing that makes having a replacement scout useful? o_O
  10. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Rebuildable scouts would be nice in PvP, considering Norse get 2 scouts, ravens and dogs, and the other civs get 1 scout, and are forced to throw away a cav or couple spears to scout after/on top of that. More vision spells off priest units would be dope, imagine a scan/farsight on P, C or G priests.
  11. Kulcsos12

    Kulcsos12 Hippikon

    Nov 15, 2017
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    When your scout is in a Merchant Boat and you accidentaly run into an enemy fleet. For example. Losing a Scout in a late-game is not a big deal, but in Age1 and 2... Its hurt. Training a Scout with 1 built limit in TC for 100gold won't be more popular than the Cargo Expansion on the Ox Cart, but it would be a nice to have this option.
  12. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Guys , when I lose a scout in other civs I use .... a Cavalry ... ok it's not as good, or a vill ....
    but .. seriously lets get ROMANS first ...not consumable scouts .... they are so down the list for me sorry ....
  13. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Ard we are mates right ? OK I'm a pom ....
    but seriously lets get ROMANS before we waste time with tinkering on limitations caused by bad luck... if you can't keep a scout on the map .... then use wits .... it's what makes the game new every time ... and after we get Romans ... then lets look at it .
    This extra scout per civ may seem simple, but I have a feeling its not.
    So need consumable scouts play Greek Egypt , want the challenge of keeping yr scout alive and healing it try the others ... simple ....
    (PS watching yr vids from the clinic o_Oo_O)
  14. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    yes yes yes

    easier than building the others and it becomes a tatical move to keep it alive ... (I have 9 greek and 14 Egypt I will pledge them to Bahram:rolleyes::rolleyes:.)

    All focus : ROMANS :):):):)

    (PS Guys don't flame me until Im out of hospital.. pretty please :rolleyes::rolleyes:)
    Ardeshir likes this.
  15. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Hey mate, it's good to hear from you again! I hope you're recovering well. Yeah, if it's going to take tons of time getting things balanced for my suggestions, they can definitely wait til Romans is out. But maybe the re-con men for the other civs or rebuildable scouts for everyone won't be as big or difficult of a change (adding a healing upgrade for scouts in pvp didn't seem to be a huge change) as thinking how to add whole new scouting spells or units and keeping them balanced or rebalancing a large bulk of the early game because N has such big scouting advantages in my opinion

    Scouting with cavalry or a spearman if you lose a scout, or want another one on top of it, is good play, don't get me wrong, but a good Norse player can do the same thing with seer ravens or wardogs. One's a spell/free unit and the other's the cheapest unit in the game, with no cost in population
    #14 Ardeshir, Oct 13, 2019 at 5:49 AM
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2019
    Exclusive0r likes this.
  16. Exclusive0r

    Exclusive0r Immortal

    Nov 5, 2018
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    Thanks Ard ... things go slowly , but going up not down
    So I see where you are coming from, but I used to write code, it's the knock on effects and testing that sucks up resource, but you maybe right. A scout is a treasure , but I'm coming from protect it ....
    Just a quickie as I remember in PVP consumes aren't allowed are they ? or are they
    Keep coming with the vids , the other hospital had a great techy who would help me with co op and bandwidth, here they seem to want browsing and emails ... they cannot filter vids :p:p:p
    Ardeshir likes this.
  17. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    No consumables, all the PvP is champion mode too unless you opt out in arena/unranked

    It's good you're able to play and chat from time to time mate!
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