Explanation on Crafting

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Andy P XIII, Jan 9, 2020.

  1. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    I've seen some folks ask about how crafting works. Here's a short summary.


    There are 5 types of Basic Workshops (of which the Farmer's Workshop is one) and 5 types of Advanced Workshops. You can have any combination of 8 Basic Workshops and 2 Advanced Workshops in each of your Capital Cities. Since there are 6 available civs per player and you can have 10 Workshops per Capital City, each human player can have up to 60 Workshops. We encourage everyone to have this.

    Each Basic Workshop can produce one of four different materials (a common, an uncommon, a rare, and an epic material).

    Each Advanced Workshop can produce one of three different materials (an uncommon, a rare, and an epic material).


    When you build a Workshop, it can automatically produce the cheapest level material for that Workshop type. You need a recipe to learn to produce the higher value materials for each capital city. Those materials are produced at different rates based on their type (common produce at a rate of one every 15 minutes, epic produce at a rate of one every 6 hours, etc.). You cannot change the rate of production, but you can be sure to open up all six civs and have all 10 workshops producing for all six (soon to be seven) civs.

    Crafting Schools

    Each Capital City can build two different Crafting Schools. To select those two available to you, go to your Crafting Hall.

    There are eight types of Crafting Schools: Archery, Cavalry, Construction, Craftsman's, Engineering, Grand Temple, Infantry, and Metalworking.

    The Celts are the only civ that can build a Metalworking School, so it is encouraged you do so. All other civs can build all other Schools. We encourage each player to build at least one of each school across their 6 civs.

    You can then learn Crafting Recipes for that Crafting School in that Capital City. Once you have learned that Recipe, any such Crafting School in that Capital City will forever be able to craft that Item. To do so, you need to have enough of each material in your Capital City's Warehouses stated in the Crafting Recipe.

    Let me know if you have any questions so I can explain better!

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    #1 Andy P XIII, 5y 9w ago
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2020
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  3. Unknown Maniac

    Unknown Maniac Berserker

    Nov 9, 2019
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    Well, unless you have just leaked that Romans will have their own crafting school, I believe there's only 8 types.

    Also, don't forget to regulalry collect materials from workshops, you can have up to 100 units in a workshop before it stops producing (very important for lower rarity of the material). You can have a stack of 1000/500/250/100 units of your common/uncommon/rare/epic material in a warehouse slot.
    Andy P XIII likes this.
  4. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Haha, I counted wrong! It’s fixed now. 8 Schools, and the Romans don’t get a special one.
  5. t31os

    t31os Berserker

    Nov 15, 2017
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    I think Andy just made a typo, he listed 8 after writing 9.

    Workshop table that helps visualize the materials they produce (ignore the numbers to the side).

    Exclusive0r and Andy P XIII like this.
  6. ABullishBear

    ABullishBear Woad Raider

    Nov 6, 2019
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    Don't your recipies learned disappear should you change school?
    Doesnt apply to workshops.
    Might be worth mentioning.
  7. Expiance

    Expiance Spearman

    May 6, 2021
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    Wait, can someone actually clear this up?! Do you actually loose all your recipes when changing crafting school? .. This is pretty vital information. Recently I changed school and lost recipes worth 500k. Question is why?
  8. Kire

    Kire Game Developer

    Jan 28, 2019
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    I assume that was to make people use other civs, to make them buy the pro civs.
    I also lost my precious cows once :mad:
  9. destroyerarcher

    destroyerarcher Champion

    Nov 15, 2017
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    For a time, you couldn't build all crafting schools yourself until the celts were released, so it could also be chalked up as a way to try to involve the player in the economy.
  10. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    The big problem with crafting is that the gear recipe requirements are so out of balance with material production output.

    In each of your cities you can have 8 basic workshops and 2 advanced workshops.
    If all 10 of workshops in a city are making epic goods (6 hours per so 4 per day) then after a week of production you will make:

    Basic epic goods 8x7x4 = 224 & Advanced epic goods 2x7x4 = 56
    This is a ratio of 4:1

    Both legendary & epic gear crafting recipes require materials in the ration of 3:2
    For an epic gear craft you need 18 basic epic goods & 12 advanced epic goods
    for a legendary gear craft you need 900 basic epic goods & 600 advanced epic goods

    In summary if you run all 10 workshops making epic goods then only the output from 3 basic workshops and the 2 advanced workshops can be used for crafting.

    The output from your other 5 basic workshops is surplus for crafting needs so you need to either trade or vendor these goods (or perhaps save for event donations)

    This also explains why advanced epic goods can be sold 20 / 30K per 100 whist the basic epic goods of White Honey, Obsidian Blocks, Guayacan Planks, Arctic Fox Furs & Pure Gold Ingots have so little saleable value (except of course during events when donations are possible)
  11. Expiance

    Expiance Spearman

    May 6, 2021
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    So you're saying its much more lucrative to just save up coin and purchase items rather than craft them yourself?
  12. destroyerarcher

    destroyerarcher Champion

    Nov 15, 2017
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    At a quick glance, it seems that way.
    However, there are several things to consider.
    Some recipes like Sword of Tiberius are more expensive to get, but the output item can often turn a profit of 50-100k or more compared to the materials spent, and can make a tiny profit even when double nerfed.
    The items being sold at the marketplace cheaper than the materials are usually nerfed stat rolls on all important stats of the item. If you get a roll with buffed or near max stats then you can sell it for a good profit.
    And also, you may be using the crafted items for yourself, and some items like Cartimandua's Frightful Brand and Athenian Iron Ram Head are often nowhere to be found on the marketplace due to low demand.
    Expiance likes this.
  13. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    No, I'm not suggesting buy and don't craft.
    On the contrary, craft away all you can and Andy's explanation of crafting above is an excellent guide.

    What I'm saying is that because of the recipe needs of epic and legendary gear, your gear crafting will be strictly limited by how much of the advanced epic goods (Phil. stones, Archi. tools, Diamonds, Codex's & Silk) you can either produce or buy.

    If you don't obtain any extra advanced epic goods then just 3 of your 8 basic workshops will meet your crafting needs and the output from the other 5 basic workshops will be over and above your gear craft requirements so you will end up with a surplus.
    Expiance likes this.
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