Last Activity:
1d 12h ago
7y 20w ago
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Trophy Points:
Mar 5, 1995 (Age: 30)


Lead Developer, Male, 30

Staff Member Administrator
PF2K was last seen:
Tuesday at 6:02 PM
    1. Yohanio
      Hi PF2K, many thanks for your help some days ago. I have question about bugged quest givers.My account was returned to me after event start. So Marcus Pollux have no ivitation to the event. Can i fix this somehow? And vanity island quest giver is lost. Maybe after maintenace this can be solved? I dont know how it works...
      1. PF2K
        The Vanity Island bug isn't restricted to your account, it's affecting everyone. I fixed the issue for Halloween on you and your brother's account.
        Oct 31, 2023
      2. Yohanio
        Thank you. PF2K The Great
        Nov 1, 2023
    2. Lordgarmadon
      Hello umm Im wondering when the next capital city decoration contest will be and can I again use Delos to enter? I made a few changes to the city hope you will take a look and tell me what you think. :) Btw is there a way to get the learicorn statue Ive got it with my celts but cant find it for greek and it cant be put in the vault is there any way to get it?
      1. Allfoor likes this.
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      3. Lordgarmadon
        thx for the info. Btw is there a way for me to post my capital city here on the forum so people could see it?
        Sep 4, 2022
        Allfoor likes this.
      4. PF2K
        Make a thread
        Sep 4, 2022
        Allfoor and Lordgarmadon like this.
      5. Lordgarmadon
        how tho?
        Sep 4, 2022
        Allfoor likes this.
    3. dootarzan
      i wan to join my girl friend to this game ! and we use each other device some time . can you please tell me is there any ban ristriction for this ??
    4. Vikbo
      Where can i find tha patch notes of pvp ?
      1. PF2K
        You can find a history of the patch notes on the PvP discord.

        As for individual patch notes, check the "Announcements" section of the forums. We post changelogs in each of the server maintenance threads!
        Aug 19, 2021
    5. Wololoo
      Great job on the recent updates that show the rewards for Skirmish hall and Defense of Crete.

      A suggestion for the Defense of Crete Unique Rewards screen:
      You show the 8 gear recipes which use Crete materials.
      Perhaps also show the 3 consumable recipes that use Crete mats:
      Special Ability: Sustained Health, Special Ability: Sustained Weakness & Special Ability: Weaken Enemy
      1. PF2K likes this.
    6. goorz
      hey there

      great game you got here, thanks for that.
      Yesterday i sold by mistake my halloween mats 28 undying soul /28 flawless emerald and 2700 metoric irons any way I can recover them???if not too bad was my own mistake
      thank you
    7. WiriWout
      Hey. When can we expect to see legendary Gerda added to the game?
      1. PF2K
        She will be added to the game alongside the 9th civilization in the game, the Gerdians :)
        Jul 17, 2020
        Mikey242 likes this.
    8. Honcik alá zelí
      Honcik alá zelí
      Will you add some civ. buildings and decorations? … all statues, buildings etc .are in greek style … i want to have in my celtic civ more celtic dec and build … so will u add some? (sry for eng).
    9. Kenji03
    10. Oranges
      My name jeff
    11. WiriWout
      Overwhelmed by epicness
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