clean up the loot pool of the lvl 40 chest

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ΚΛƬΛ, Nov 7, 2019.

  1. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    It is impossible to get green gear from a legendary quest, as the rarity in those chests only go as low as rare. The halloween legs are temporary, and are on a different loot table. It is not impossible on an event quest like that, as you get materials to craft the event gear, and Halloween points.
  2. ΚΛƬΛ

    ΚΛƬΛ Spearman

    Jun 4, 2019
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    I have been getting green items from legendary reward chest for a month already , I wrote it clear and directly , Green and white items are dropping from those chest , No green formulas.

    So . . the loot tables for Legendary quest Guardians are the ones that should be dropping the trash ? , then why it seems all the chest do so ? :disappointed: and I'm not the only one that is having this issue , the friend with I used to farm legs had the same problem as well.

    :neutral: I also open them after finishing the quest , so I can't be sure from which chest I'm getting the most trash items , but regardless of that , why the guardians of leg quest loot tables would be different from the quest rewards chest ?

    I would get it if they were the guardians from the Elite Quest but even so , in no part of the game was stated that that quest rewards chest and the guardian chest in Leg quest were different in the first place + there is no difference between the chest icons in the inventory to clarify that @Jeinx :angry:

    Sorry but I disagree with you , it wouldn't make the econ a mess , it would reduce the over priced value of some items in the marked and that is not bad for any game , you increase the offer to satisfy demand and the prices drop.

    Not everyone haves the time to get enough money to buy their items or to even make some daily quest or legs , "Grind is not the game" and I agree with that but sometimes you have to understand that in a looter of any kind having to invest a long time in each quest + the unbalanced rewards you get for spending that time is not healthy for the economy or player retention , having better gear makes the experience easier with time and let the players challenge themselves in other ways and that's the natural progression of a looter .

    I also want the game to be better that's why I made the post in the first place , Good for you if you have so many good items , not everyone haves that luck regardless of how much time they invest and nope , not every player want's to enter PVP , PVP and PVE players have different mindsets I could not care less about PVP and so many friends of mine don't care neither so why would we care about "gear doesn't counting" in PVP if we are not gonna touch it anyway ? , this game is mostly a PVE experience and even when you get fully geared you still play the legs to have fun with friends and the strat part of the experience is never lost , every mission haves their different strats and viable approach for completion , being successful in pulling those approach out is a big part of the fun.

    But since most of the Legs even with fully geared units can't be completed with "weak units" players relay in spamming the best units of their civs to complete them , tell me where is the "strat" in that ? where is the strat in spamming wood riders , berserkers , elephants , immortals , war wagons , where is the strat you are talking about when the enemy haves such a fixed set of units ?

    Most legs right now are basically turtling until you get enough resources to spam the best units for the given quest against the IA soooo fully geared guy , where is the strat in that ?

    Patience does not solve the ( high time investment - low reward ) endgame problem.

    Fixing the reward per invested time problem would certainly make the eco and the game more interesting.

    Having more balanced rewards is one of the first steps to make the game better, it would make harder content more accesible to all players in such a way that players can focus in strats and have fun instead of grinding or spamming one kind of unit. So @Exclusive0r sorry for tell you this but you ironically don't want the game to be better and you have a misconception of how increasing the amount of rarer items would affect the eco , having less expensive and useful items in the game wouldn't break the economy it would only adjust the prices to a relative more affordable degree and that should be kind of obvious for everyone , the eco is already broken from the very beginning with the insanely high prices derivative from the lack of supply (thanks to the loot tables ) end excessive demand ( cause every PVE player needs gear ). :unamused:
    rtsgamer likes this.
  3. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    This is impossible o_O
  4. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    So basically your suggestion is this:
    "Give us better drops"
    Got it.
  5. Fraxure022

    Fraxure022 Berserker

    May 18, 2019
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    Guys, we should probably take it down a notch. We’re a small community and reliant upon one another to keep our favorite game running. We can’t afford to be at each other’s throats over something so trivial.

    Jeinx, are you confident in that? Is it applicable to both Quest rewards and the Treasure Camps? I recall being involved in a similar discussion with Andy where he mentioned that the loot tables can be difficult to decipher even for the people who have access. I could swear I’ve gotten Greens from More Mad Medians before, but that could be my memory playing tricks on me. I’ll check after the Halloween event or after I get my Sword (hopefully, 17,500 stocked).
  6. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    Yeah, suggestions are suggestions. No one should be getting upset about them. We can disagree, but still be polite.
    Fraxure. Yes. I even confirmed with a Lead Dev. Green gear does not drop in legendary quest rewards.
    It could be the guardian chests you are getting the items in. Although the chances are higher to get rare gear, it is possible to get uncommon gear pieces from guardian chests.
  7. Fraxure022

    Fraxure022 Berserker

    May 18, 2019
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    Well then that would be the source of this discussion then. Treasure Camps should, I would argue, not drop greens on Legendary quests. I would circle back to the notion that they should instead drop capital city decorations, decent rare gear, gold or maybe even EP instead. Keep the nominal chance at Legendaries and Epics, but raise the bar a smidge so it feels more rewarding.

    I reiterate that there are six, going on seven Civs. I don’t believe that my suggestion would cause substantial harm to the core loop of the game. I’m particularly attracted to the notion of Capital decorations. Decorating all six cities without a way to purchase EP feels frustratingly difficult and grindy. I would be far more excited to open a box of Celt bushes over some vendor trash.

    Just my personal take, of course. Devs are gonna do what devs are gonna do.
  8. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    Well, thanks for the suggestions :)
  9. ABullishBear

    ABullishBear Woad Raider

    Nov 6, 2019
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    While I dont think lvl 40 chest should be changed, perhaps lower level gear should get an increased drop rate?

    I'd argue more customization being possible during the leveling process would severely improve the QOL of any newer players and thus benefit the retention of said players.

    By that I mean more chance for rare, or epic if available in that levels loot pool, less chance for broken stuff, common and uncommon, and perhaps slightly increase the amount of resources dropped, the latter only for lvl 1-20 chests.

    I'm aware people only use the stuff while leveling up and thus since a lot of folks are spending time doing endgame stuff, not much of said gear is dropped.

    But if you check the gm you will find very little <40 gear, only specific items.

    I spent 56k just now at moes buying lvl 10 chests, that is 56 k /100 + whatever I get for selling all the junk I got each time, then repurchasing.

    All I wanted was a double stitched chiton, rare, did not get it.

    Doesn't seem right that a low lvl person cant buy or find at least a sizeable portion of rare-epic stuff while leveling up.

    It gets better the higher up you go but early level chests are a joke for sure ^^
    Ardeshir likes this.
  10. Fraxure022

    Fraxure022 Berserker

    May 18, 2019
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    This is a fascinating perspective. The gear curve into 40 is seriously messed up, but I’d always brushed it off personally. Neat thought.
    ABullishBear likes this.
  11. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I can't agree that low level gear is hard to find unless you are talking about epic gear less than level 9 and legendary gear less than level 40. The various game shops have lots of it for sale; don't we all have a Windy's Wild Widgets store in our towns with rare lvl 5 gear?

    Yes, I'd agree there isn't much on the GM for sale but that is most likely because having only 10 GM slots we all want to make best use of these 10 slots and sell our more valuable items & not low level/value gear.
    So of course the vendor gets these items.

    It is difficult to know exactly what the original game developers intended with regard to timescale for a players progression from level 1 to level 40 but I'd suggest they never designed the game expecting players to reach level 40 in a week or two as seems to be quite normal now.

    Although most of us dismiss the green Uncommon gear as just stuff for the vendor, there does have to be some reason why from the start the developers designed and introduced into the game some 450 items of Uncommon gear including 269 that you can craft yourself at all levels from 2 to 40.

    I think that the original intention was that we players enjoyed the leveling process, enjoyed the numerous low level quests (using our low lvl gear) and were expected to be content using mostly Uncommon gear, much of which we'd craft & or trade. We were expected to be happy if we occasionally found a rare gear item & over the moon / delirious if we ever found an epic gear item :)

    Now everyone wants all their civs at Lvl 40 in week 1 and all gear for all units to be legendary by week 2.
    #31 Wololoo, Nov 13, 2019 at 3:04 PM
    Last edited: Nov 13, 2019
  12. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
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    Nov 21, 2017
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    Yeah, the leveling process was sped up. You can reach out to players to help you out with non level 40 gear. I keep a stash of it to help out new players, but I would definatly not spend too much coin or effort until I got to level 40.
  13. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Personally I found gearing up predominantly through PvE levelling on one civ a little daunting and was basically broke come 40 from splurging on stuff that was still crap and quite cheap. This time round I'm playing PvP and on all 6 civs at once and getting any currency or level appropriate gear isn't a problem (I do realise being able to transfer good but not suitable drops between civs is a factor, but not to the point where I can give away half my gold and still have over half a million before getting anything to 40).

    You don't have to go nuts, but I do think that PvE questing pre-40/pre elite probably could do with rewards buffs. The speeding up of xp gains across the board does help with getting to 40! and running through quests below your level now, sure, but attempting something your level now, pre-40, is worse relatively speaking, as you've dinged several more times in the same amount of games/chances for good drops.

    Levelling off pvp holds your hand with level scaled drops and 3 currency rewards at a minimum comparatively. You just need to like PvP.
    Exclusive0r likes this.
  14. NIGan

    NIGan Villager

    Nov 15, 2019
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    Hello everyone,,
    And please don't be sarcastic, there is a reason of why the loot during endgame feels frustrating.

    Not all items are useful nor all items should be useful , but there should be a balance between trash and good items for endgame , I still remember how this specific problem made a lot of players drop out the game when it launched on steam and even earlier after beta. AOEO was ahead of its time by including the loot mechanics in a genre that usually don't have them and for the same reason it was unavoidable that the loot had some problems in the percentages the rarity and type of items that droops for each activity. No one is saying to remove the RNG, we just want a less frustrating experience and there is nothing wrong with that. :)
  15. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Jump on right now event time is handout time :D
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