Community Quest Speedruns

Discussion in 'PvE Challenges/Tournaments' started by Flutters, Mar 27, 2019.

  1. Flutters

    Flutters Champion

    Sep 1, 2018
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    I made a spreadsheet to keep track of speedrun records of quests, both solo & co-op. Records are kept separate for each civ in solo speedruns, but not co-op. Here's the link
    Formatting is still a bit of a mess, but I'll improve it eventually.

    • No consumables allowed (whitelisting certain consumables for certain quests is a possibility if most people agree).
    • You must record the whole quest's playthrough and upload it to YouTube. Make sure the "Show Game Time" option is enabled under UI Options > Game UI Options.

    For submissions, you can post in this thread or contact me anywhere.
    WiriWout, Ardeshir and Alvy like this.
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  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    I just saw this while scrolling. Wonderful idea! @rtsgamer who do you think might be interested in competing for time in Legendary quests? Both from forums and in game?
    Could this be expanded to other repeatable quests as well @Flutters ?
  4. Flutters

    Flutters Champion

    Sep 1, 2018
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    I need to update the spreadsheet a bit, add the new quests, update the rules etc. I'll do this sometime either when I come back and play the game more often or if people start speedrunning more often. I made this primarily to have a public list of known best records. Screenshots are insufficient proof and anyone can learn by watching these videos.
    About repeatable quests, maybe but as it is right now a lot of legendary quests aren't even filled yet so I don't see a point in doing that for now.

    I'm waiting until advisors get fixed in offline mode to keep speedrunning myself since it's possible to easily get full maxed gear there.
    Ardeshir likes this.
  5. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Sounds like a good plan. If we could get working maxed advisors for the offline mode, and the understanding and use of .char editing picks up a bit more, people could definitely use it to compete as best as they can in solo with maxed item swap outs and back to back practice. I suppose coop/duo will just have to be dependant on the weekly? lockout for legendary quests. Maybe try promoting this in game or in the discord channel? Or asking some really active high level PvE players?
  6. Flutters

    Flutters Champion

    Sep 1, 2018
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    That's another perk of offline mode, you can play any quests with no cooldown. And yeah coop quests have to be played in online mode for now since there's no other way.
    I don't like asking anything to people, completely fine by me if no one else joins in and I'm the only one doing speedruns. And from what I can tell the most active PvE players are fine with just playing the game and looking for good loot, going through the hassle of recording + uploading and constantly restarting when making mistakes is probably not worth it to most people. Personally I already played enough of the same quests to get tired of doing them just for the loot, I'm only collecting certain items or trying new content at this point. But I know this isn't the case for everyone and that's fine, some players are more tolerant to grinding or enjoy it more than I do.

    Anyway, if advisors get fixed in offline mode I'm definitely going to give this an update and play more often.
    Ardeshir likes this.
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