SOLVED 'Play' button doesn't do anything

Discussion in 'Installation' started by swordbash, Jun 3, 2023.

  1. swordbash

    swordbash Villager

    Jun 3, 2023
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    Hi, I'm new.
    I'm not using Steam.
    Tried to play with the Celeste Launcher, registering went fine but the 'Play' button doesn't do anything.
    It just goes gray and that's about it.

    Tried using Spartan executable but got the Error Code:80010b10 or something like that.
    Everything is up to date and I'm on Windows 10 64bit.
    Would you mind helping me out?

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  3. swordbash

    swordbash Villager

    Jun 3, 2023
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    Ok figured it out.
    After doing all the installation steps, there should be an exe file named Celeste Game Scanner UI inside the game installation folder.

    Run it and wait till it's done updating the game.
    That's it.

    I just don't understand why this is not mentioned in the installation guide.

    Edit: oh and also try to run the game through spartan exe file, celeste launcher still doesn't work.
    #2 swordbash, Jun 4, 2023 at 4:59 PM
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2023
  4. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    2: Install Celeste Fan Project Patch
    2.3 You can create a shortcut to the Celeste Launcher by right-clicking the Celeste Launcher's executable file then clicking "Copy To > Desktop (Shortcut)". You will use the celeste launcher (or that shortcut) to open the game.

    Note: If you used Steam to install the game and want to use Steam to launch the Celeste Launcher correctly, then click on the Hammer Button in the launcher, then "Convert to Steam Game". Steam should now launch the Celeste Launcher instead of the old, original launcher that is broken.

    Apologies to be a bit of a smartass about this, but it does mention it. Also, think about what hosting a game off a 3rd party server entails. Are Celeste devs going to be running this off not just a MS server, but the original, Microsoft-AoEO server, or their own? Is there any instruction about using a modified version of the .exe for the base game, or instructions to add a new ip address to your windows host file? No? How do you expect to connect to the right server?

    I get your point though, perhaps this text could be in red on the guide, or *use the celeste launcher (or a shortcut to it) to open the game instead of the old, original launcher that is broken* could be listed at the top and/or the bottom of the install guide.
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