By PF2K on Jan 30, 2021 at 6:32 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello there Celeste players! We are asking for your help today.

    In order to make the experience for new players better, we are looking into adding more helpful loading screen tips to the game, such as the examples you see below.


    We would love to hear your suggestions on what loading screen tips you would add to the game. It could be anything from gameplay tips to things about managing your inventory or anything else that you think could be useful.

    There are no rules, except that make sure your suggestion is less than 180 characters long, so that it can fit into all screens.

    The deadline for this contest is 2021/02/06.

    Don't forget to include your in-game username in your post!

    We look forward to your suggestions! Thank you and happy gaming.

    Project Celeste Development Team

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE.
    #1 PF2K, Jan 30, 2021 at 6:32 PM
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
    Yeshna12, zenorhk, Chris23g and 3 others like this.
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Jan 30, 2021.

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    1. West_In_Pieces

      West_In_Pieces Spearman

      Aug 25, 2018
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      Building more town centers, markets, and docks allows you to faster improve your economy. Early in the quest, keep improving your economy w hile it is safe to do so.
    2. coolblade23

      coolblade23 Champion

      Jun 1, 2019
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      Ingame name: ur_coolbalde (i hope this is not key sensitive :D cuz i don't know which are capital and which are not))

      "If you wanna start learning how to improve at pvp try a build order. Build order tutorials can be found in the city of Sparta arena" (can be a bit improved but it is a common gotcha for new comers)

      "Caravans yield double gold when trading with someone other than yourself" (a bit surprised this one is not mentioned ... i swear i saw it somewhere)

      "Once you reach level 40 visit Athens, Carthage and The Oasis for simple quests to easily gain gear for legendary quests" (the most common question ever ... what do i do now that i am level 40 cuz legendaries are too hard)

      "Athens, Lodi and Well of Urd quest have a higher chance to drop celest specific gear like the Master Assassins Gauntlet" (another common gotchas for new comers)

      "Defense of Crete and Cyprus Skirmish have unique gear each respectively, that only drops from complete quests in their designated city" (another common question asked by new comers)

      "Some quests are specifically designed to be harder, for example Brennos Attack, Aegitna and Valley and should be approach in a coop team."

      "You can queue up actions with the same unit while issue commands and holding the shift key. For example you can manually target enemy units that your army should priorities or you can tell a villager to automatically go and gather once he finished building a structure"

      "Most static defense do not attack at full range by default; you will sometimes have to manually target for them to react"

      "Most static defenses will not react to attacks fired from longer than 38 range. Use this to your advantage."

      "Did you know you can dodge enemy ships attacks if you move at the right time ?"

      "Most priests in pvp can heal in combat and will priorities healing over converting."

      "Damage increase on priests does not increase their conversion rate."

      "A priest with 10 conversion rate has a chance to convert in a random interval between 10 seconds and 5 seconds if uninterrupted. The lower the conversion rate, the faster the conversion will happen."

      "Most elite units take longer to convert but are not immune to it."

      "Snare reduces the speed of the enemy when hit. A unit with 0.8 snare will reduce the speed of the enemy by 20% on successful hit."

      "Critical damage does 2x damage."

      "Units with area of effect attacks, like Celtic champions and Egyptian war elephants, can only critical hit the main target and will not do the critical damage in the area of effect. The units in the area of effect will only take normal damage"

      "By default the idle villager key is V and with with control and V you can select all idle villagers in a specific group. Check the hotkey binding for more information."

      "Ranked competitive pvp has gear stats disabled and a dedicated tech tree for each civ. To experiment with these settings you can play Champion mode Skirmishes in Cyprus vs the AI."

      "Units that charge can perform a critical hit as part of their charge damage multiplying the original damage by the charge and critical strike bonus to a whooping 6 times to original damage"

      "In pve charge damage does 3 times the normal damage on that specific attack. Out of the units that can charge, only the Babylonian Lancer and the Celtic Woad Raider get this benefit on their charge attack"

      "Bonus to damage protection ONLY applies to the bonus damage. A unit with 10 damage per second(dps) and a bonus of 2x against infantry will do 10 base dps and ONLY 8 bonus dps, to a total of 18 dps instead of 20dps, against infantry with 20% bonus damage protection."

      "More than one priest converting a unit does not reduce the overall conversion time of target unit. It will be a race between the conversion rates of each individual priest".

      "A single unit can ONLY be healed by a single source at one time. 2 healing units cannot heal the same unit faster, but only the first unit to start healing will do so."

      Added a few more ... i will add more as they come to mind.

      "Armory techs benefit all units. For example pierce damage will increase the damage of arrow ships and the armor tech will increase the priests armor making them more durable in combat"

      "Legendary gear can drop from any chest at level 40. But it has higher chances of dropping from chests offered as a reward when completing legendary quests."

      "Only last objective chest reward in any alliance quest has a higher chance of dropping a legendary item."

      Might add more as they come

      "Elite units can only be spawned by the AI and have 3 times the base damage and health of the original unit. They are encountered in elite and legendary quests at all times and seldom during level quest above level 20."

      "Doing quests above your level that are generally marked as orange, red or dark will make your units do a penalty damage and take bonus damage. This is to discourage power leveling."

      If i get anymore bright ideas , i will add :D
      #22 coolblade23, Jan 30, 2021 at 8:15 PM
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    3. Slyrevick

      Slyrevick Immortal

      May 22, 2020
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      where do we list our tip ?

      here in that post ?

      do we make one tip or many ?
    4. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      As many as you'd want! And here is fine, yes :)
      Slyrevick likes this.
    5. Mari

      Mari Villager

      Jan 30, 2021
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      "Every now and then, build a closer storehouse at your woodline, so your lumberjacks can gather wood more efficiently."

      "Hover over a units name in the bottom center of the screen to see detailed stats of it. Even the effects of equipped items are included!"

      "Your villagers gather food faster from animals, than from berry bushes. It's even worth it, to build a storehouse next to a spot of huntable animals."

      "Watch out! After 30 days your listed items in the Global Marketplace will vanish, rather than being sent back to you."

      "Your maximum population is below 200, even though you have reached your limit of 24 houses and 4 town centers? Check for unfinished construction sites!"
      Wololoo and gamevideo113 like this.
    6. LaraCroft

      LaraCroft Villager

      Jan 30, 2021
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      (In-game name : LaraCroft)

      Don't get surprised by ennemies attacking you from behind ! Make sure to protect all sides of your village to avoid loopholes in your defenses.

      Have you met the Ol'Man Fisher yet ? Don't try to mess with him, or he'll send Bella after you. She isn't really the loveliest of beasts, if you see what I mean.

      The cold winds are arising... and the Ice King wakes up from his slumber ! Don't miss out on the yearly Winter Event - exclusive quests and gear available only for a limited time !

      Are you feeling... spooky ? Do you want to creep up in the night and face monsters, mummies and the infamous headless horseman ? Then don't miss out on the Halloween event !

      Prince Sesostris needs help ! Trouble is stirring around the Nile and he could use your assistance. Join the fight every year during the time-limited Summer Event, in Rhakotis !

      Edit, thought of some others hehe :

      If you need assistance, don't hesitate to ask in the chat, in the Celeste Fan Project dedicated forums or in our Discord. The community members are always happy to help !

      Sometimes offense is the best defense. When under attack, even an offensive enemy is likely to call back their troops to protect themselves - use that to your advantage !

      Make sure to defend your resources gathering sites - an undefended market in the corner of the map is an easy target for a perspicacious adversary.

      Strategy is key in Age of Empires Online. Large armies aren't always the smartest of choices. Surprise your enemy, find their weakness and exploit it for victory.

      Edit, another version for the last one one :
      Strategy is key in Age of Empires Online. Find your ennemies' weaknesses - whether they lie in their economy, their defense or their armies. Exploit them to be victorious !

      Pay attention to the types of units your adversary is attacking you with. Make sure to train troops that are effective against those and you'll repel them in no time.
      #26 LaraCroft, Jan 30, 2021 at 8:48 PM
      Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
      NoteHermelin786 likes this.
    7. Aaron

      Aaron Berserker

      Jul 28, 2019
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      Assign buildings to hotkeys for continuous unit production!

      Build multiple unit production buildings to produce many units at once.

      Don't neglect your armory upgrades. They make your units twice as strong.

      After a co-op game, check the quest stats screen after a quest to see how you are doing compared to your ally.

      The enemy AI upgrade their units as well, so the longer you take on a quest, the harder it becomes.
      #27 Aaron, Jan 30, 2021 at 9:07 PM
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    8. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      Some excellent suggestions so far! I would like to remind you to please include your in-game name in your reply so it's easier for me to send you your reward, should you be selected.

      Keep it coming guys!
    9. Blind

      Blind Villager

      Dec 18, 2017
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      1. Shortcut keys can be used to quickly find any troop, villager, or building. Make sure to assign them to the proper ones easiest for you to remember under the options tab. That way you do not have to scroll all over the map to look for a specific troop or building.

      2. Did you know you can assign a number while on a quest to your troops or buildings to quickly access them? All you need to do is click on a troop or a building, press ctrl+z (this will select every single one of the selected troop/villager/building etc you selected) then hold shift + number you want to assign for it.

      IGN - Blind
    10. frogs.poison

      frogs.poison Immortal

      May 19, 2020
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      Tip 1 - Bonus Damage Protection is a very strong defensive stat for higher difficulty legendary quests!

      Tip 2 - Each civilization has 6 Milestones which provide a permanent bonus to that civilization!

      Tip 3 - You can select 1 Milestone from every other civilization to empower your current civilization!

      Tip 4 - Egyptian's Talatat Construction is a very powerful milestone available on level 5 Egyptian Civilizations

      Tip 5 - Norse's Adaptiveness is a very powerful milestone available on level 40 Norse Civilizations

      Tip 6 - Knowing is half the battle! Maximize your outposts line of sight to see what the enemy is preparing ahead of time! (Not too sure on this one since experienced players tend to know when waves come, but high LoS outposts are still very nice to have)
    11. Romaniac01

      Romaniac01 Champion

      Nov 1, 2019
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      Tip 1 "Buy and use the items that suit your play style and this may not be the most expensive or even the highest level items. For the beginning it is usually best to have a balance of all stats by maximising damage and range to ranged units and highest defense and life to your front line infantry."

      Tip 2 "Transport ship can also trade for gold between 2 docks. They cost 2 population but trade for up to 300 gold."
    12. CrazyCrow

      CrazyCrow Spearman

      Nov 2, 2020
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      Use trade channel in chat to find items to buy, sell, and trade with other members. Shift + click items to post in chat. More members are in trade.

      gamevideo113 likes this.
    13. [BBA] Kog

      [BBA] Kog Champion

      Jun 14, 2020
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      "You can build 8 common workshops and 2 advanced workshops on each city"
      gamevideo113 likes this.
    14. CrazyCrow

      CrazyCrow Spearman

      Nov 2, 2020
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      The Empire Vault allows you to trade items that have not been equipped between each of your civilizations.

      Use to find stats and information on every item in the game.
    15. Touseef

      Touseef Villager

      Aug 4, 2018
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      More Important Highlight The Crafting Tools, Recipe to let them know this feature.. This Crafting thing will Open up the Interest in new Users to in touch with MARKET PLACE, People and Crafting items rather then Keep looking in the chat for Level 40 Gears which has nothing to do until he reached there.

      SO The loading screen MUST be give interest to new Users to Craft many items and Sell to get coins in Market place. this will sure give them a new way playing experience.

      A Tree must be designed to show the Items crafted and show coins become rich when sell those gears and crafting things.
    16. CrazyCrow

      CrazyCrow Spearman

      Nov 2, 2020
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      Want to level up faster? Find a Wisdom of the Empire (+50% xp for 24hrs) as reward for completing "Front Runner" quest in the city Northern Hold. One per civilization.

    17. CrazyCrow

      CrazyCrow Spearman

      Nov 2, 2020
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      Have your eye on something in the market but cant afford it? Ask members in the Trade Channel - tab - to find a better deal. Even sell and trade items yourself.

    18. CrazyCrow

      CrazyCrow Spearman

      Nov 2, 2020
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      Use the search bar in your Empire Vault to quickly find what you are looking for by typing the items name.

    19. Daniel Santos

      Daniel Santos Spearman

      Feb 2, 2019
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      Nome de Usuario: Apeiron

      Dica 1 - De sexta para sábado é possível comprar baús com itens lendários garantidos na loja de pontos de império (Eu não sei o dia exatamente nem a hora, por favor corrijam se incorreto).

      Dica 2 - Caravanas são essenciais no começo do jogo para ter uma economia fluida de ouro e de todos os outros recursos durante o resto da partida.

      Dica 3- É possível obter um livro de aumento de exp com as missões na cidade nórdica.

      Dica 4 - Ao entrar em uma missão usar seus poderes existentes no invetário, eles com certeza ajudarão a avançar mais rapidamente na missão.
    20. Unknown Maniac

      Unknown Maniac Berserker

      Nov 9, 2019
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      tip #4: Know each unit's damage type! It can help you with your choice of armory techs.

      IGN Psychosaurus
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