Quest Line Progress

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by ByFstugan, Apr 5, 2021.

  1. ByFstugan

    ByFstugan Immortal

    Nov 17, 2017
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    Hi - I really love this Quest line progress overview, and I wanna give my 5 cents to how to improve it:

    1) Add information of what region you find the quest line. Maybe quest giver also if possible.
    *Could be solved with "onmouseover"-boxes if there isn't room otherwise.

    2) Make each questline link to a tech-tree like (mind-map) overview of all the quests that is included in the questline, which comes first and unlocks what; most of all that you can see all the quests included.
    *Some questlines are a bit confusing to what they include, this would solve that - and also make a good-looking overview like the above, but an addition more in depth.
    **That also should have different colors of the ones made and the ones not yet done.

    3) Make sure the name of the ACTUAL questline is typed on this page (image above), so it says "Assist Persia" and not "Helping Cyrus the great" and "The good old days" and not "General Zu's Glory days", since the former is the real name of the actual questline, and the later just unlocks it and others (I think?).
    Argos might need to get one such added as you did with "The Good Old Days" in Babylon.
    *Otherwise some additional text that explains what the name of the questline is, if there is some logic to this I've missed.

    4) Make the "Quest line"-quest that involves only Legendary quests have an orange text (like Lodi and Rhakotis has), and not yellow (as "The Good Old Days" and "Stolen Roman Gauntlets" has).
    Also Make them specify that's it's the LEGENDARY quest that you need to do (as Lodi does, but "The Good old days" or "Stolen Roman Gauntlets" doesn't). At the moment there is no concistency with this at all.

    I REALLY like this overview addition to the game, you guys are doing a wonderful job <3
    #1 ByFstugan, Apr 5, 2021 at 1:22 PM
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2021
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