More strategy

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Chris23g, Jun 8, 2019.

  1. Chris23g

    Chris23g Woad Raider

    May 28, 2019
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    Hello friends, I bring you a pretty good suggestion, since several of us have spent time creating troops that have a bonus against certain types of troops, but sometimes this is not reflected at the time of combat, since the one with the largest army always wins. .
    I give an example: if you put the Egyptians and have their soldiers with axes and sling lansazoders against the hoplites of the Greeks and their archers win the Greeks since the sling throws are good against the units at a distance but always attack what have opposite what would be the infantry or the cavalry.
    My idea is to be able to enable by clicking on the right mouse button a zone with which to order only attack the enemies of that area as shown by the image and so will have more use the units you want to attack a certain type of troops. PicsArt_06-07-08.49.48.jpg
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