legendary quest 2 stars is more difficult than 3 stars?

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Stephhen, May 24, 2021.

  1. Stephhen

    Stephhen Long Swordsman

    Feb 25, 2018
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    Hi, can someone explain to me why a legendary quest of 2 stars is more difficult than one of 3 stars. ex. rhakotis liberating lower egypt (it is faster and more difficult) than liberating Thebes or Dahshur (I can do it). On other cities it happens too
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  3. Hawkster

    Hawkster Champion

    Jan 21, 2020
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    The star system is meant to show people how difficult it is in 'general', and grants new player to prepare their game before they start.

    The feeling how difficult each quest felt like on individual may be differ. Maybe your playstyle works well in 3 stars quests than 2 stars. It can be that you need some improvements on playing 2 stars difficulty quests. Maybe you are more confident in 3 stars difficulty quest. In conclusion, the difficulty that you really feel can be changed by all kinds of your circumstances.
    destroyerarcher likes this.
  4. frogs.poison

    frogs.poison Immortal

    May 19, 2020
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    Difficulty rating also takes into account the optional objectives. Beorix Returns, for instance, is a 4 star difficulty quest if you don't age up at all - On the other hand, it's extremely easy, roughly a 1 star quest if you ignore both of the secondary objectives and head straight to A4.
    destroyerarcher likes this.
  5. destroyerarcher

    destroyerarcher Champion

    Nov 15, 2017
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    As Hawkster already stated, the star system isn't meant to be definitive for everything. A quest like Liberating Dahshur encourages you to snipe buildings ASAP with wide open bases (at least in co-op), benefitting cavalry that can quickly take out production buildings, while a quest like Valley of the Kings encourages you to slowly wipe out the enemy with pallintonons and other ranged siege, due to the sheer number of fortresses, towers, and production on elevated terrain. Trying to purely use raiding cavalry on valley of the kings will not go very well, with no way to quickly stop the flow of enemies, while using pallintonons on dahshur would probably be quite slow.

    Also, star rating is based on the optionals being completed, and can also be subjective based on what strategy a player may favor. It is why many times, quest star ratings get changed. For some repeatables, not enough people may play them to provide an accurate consensus for them.
  6. Daeveren

    Daeveren Long Swordsman

    Jun 21, 2019
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    As a casual player progressing through the 1 and 2 star legendaries, this seems terrible. I'd have expected the star rating to reflect the actual quest itself, not some crazy optionals that some quests have - and there's quests with some really difficult optionals.
    I have never considered trying a 3 star quest, seeing that I struggle with the 2 star ones. But now hearing that the star rating is based on optionals this completely changes my perspectives now.
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