By PF2K on Jan 30, 2021 at 6:32 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    Hello there Celeste players! We are asking for your help today.

    In order to make the experience for new players better, we are looking into adding more helpful loading screen tips to the game, such as the examples you see below.


    We would love to hear your suggestions on what loading screen tips you would add to the game. It could be anything from gameplay tips to things about managing your inventory or anything else that you think could be useful.

    There are no rules, except that make sure your suggestion is less than 180 characters long, so that it can fit into all screens.

    The deadline for this contest is 2021/02/06.

    Don't forget to include your in-game username in your post!

    We look forward to your suggestions! Thank you and happy gaming.

    Project Celeste Development Team

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE.
    #1 PF2K, Jan 30, 2021 at 6:32 PM
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2021
    Yeshna12, zenorhk, Chris23g and 3 others like this.
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Discussion in 'News' started by PF2K, Jan 30, 2021.

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    1. [BBA] Kog

      [BBA] Kog Champion

      Jun 14, 2020
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      is there a list of all existing ones somewhere ?

      Might be easier to add new ones
      Slyrevick likes this.
    2. theace9

      theace9 Spearman

      Jul 26, 2020
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      - Never stop training villagers! Good players train at least 80-110 villagers
      Andy P XIII likes this.
    3. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      There's about 100 of them, but I will try and get you the list.

      Yes please answer here!

      We already have that in the game!
    4. PF2K

      PF2K Lead Developer
      Staff Member Administrator

      Oct 24, 2017
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      • If you're stuck, use chat to get help from other players.
      • Food is needed to train Villagers and military units.
      • Wood is needed to construct buildings.
      • Gold is needed for most military units.
      • Villagers gather resources and can construct and repair buildings.
      • Villagers gather Food, Wood, Stone, or Gold until the resource runs out or you tell them to do something else.
      • Spearmen are typically the only combat unit that can be built during Age I. Build a few right away to provide a needed defense and give the option to make an early rush.
      • If you're lucky enough to get Materials early, save them. You'll use them later to construct new buildings in your Capital City, craft new gear, and other activities.
      • Your Scout is fast and has a broad line of sight. Use your Scout to quickly locate resources.
      • Use your Scout to keep tabs on your enemy. Be sure to protect it; you only get one per quest.
      • In your Capital City, you can use Coin to buy items from stores. You don’t need to have Villagers gather Food, Wood, Gold, or Stone in your capital.
      • You may find or be given items that go directly to your Inventory. If you don't know what to do with them, that's okay. Just hang on to them until later.
      • The Mini-Map allows you to see where you have explored. Pay attention to red dots: Those are enemies.
      • Quest objectives are tracked on the right side of your screen. Press the Quest Map icon for more details.
      • To view quests you are currently working on and completed quests waiting to be turned in, press the L key.
      • To queue five units at a time, hold Shift while training.
      • To place waypoints that the units follow, hold the Shift key and issue the movement commands.
      • To prevent Villagers from taking damage, you can gather them together inside Town Centers and Guard Towers. However, this stops them from gathering resources.
      • Villagers can repair damaged Siege units, as well as buildings and Naval units.
      • Villagers and Fishing Boats can repair damaged Naval units such as the Merchant Transport and Trireme.
      • Did you know that Villagers can gather Food from fishing spots that are close to shore?
      • If an enemy tries to build close to you, your Villagers can attack their buildings.
      • If you select all Villagers when giving commands to gather from either Farms, Trees, or Berry Bushes, they will automatically divide up to perform the task.
      • To automatically assign newly trained Villagers to help gather or build, right-click the desired resource or building while the Town Center is selected.
      • Did you know that the Dock is a drop site for all resource types?
      • To train Naval units, Archers, and Siege units, be sure to stockpile plenty of Wood.
      • Stone is needed for defensive buildings such as Guard Towers.
      • Earn Materials by completing quests and using Workshops. You can also purchase materials from stores such as the General Store.
      • All Materials can be stored in stacks. Combine small stacks to conserve inventory space.
      • To form a party, right-click a player's name in the chat window and select Invite. The same options are available if you click a friend's icon in your Friends List.
      • You can find many different stores in Age of Empires Online. Don't forget to shop in other player’s stores when you visit their Capital Cities.
      • You can visit another player's Capital City to see if that player has stores or quest givers you do not have in your own Capital City.
      • Technologies that you unlock in your Capital City become available to build or upgrade when you are on a quest.
      • Some technologies allow you to train new units or build new buildings when you are on a quest. Other technologies allow you to upgrade all of your units, for a resource cost.
      • Be sure to check your buildings for upgrade technologies that you have unlocked from your Capital City.
      • Villagers can garrison in certain buildings, such as Town Centers and Guard Towers, for safety.
      • Use the Town Bell in the Town Center to quickly garrison nearby Villagers.
      • You can modify your chat window to suit how you play. You can make it larger or smaller, or more or less opaque.
      • Right-click another player's name in the chat window to bring up a list of options to interact with that player.
      • If you want to whisper to a specific person, simply click on that person's name in the chat window and then type your message.
      • Town Centers are fairly strong and can usually hold off smaller armies on their own.
      • Don't panic if you lose a few resources. You'll gather thousands during a typical quest.
      • To issue a command to multiple buildings, select multiple buildings of the same type before issuing a command.
      • Invite players to your Friends List by clicking the Party button in the upper left corner. Type a name, and then select Invite.
      • Stray Cows can be a great food source!
      • To bring up the City Report while in your Capital City, click the Shield icon.
      • Check your port for incoming items from other players.
      • Use your market to buy and sell resources for gold. Certain technologies lower the fees for these transactions.
      • Caravans can be an excellent source of Gold once you've run out of Gold Desposits.
      • Caravans are built from the Market, and can trade to generate Gold.
      • When trading with Caravans, remember that the farther they travel to their destination, the more Gold they bring in.
      • Town Centers add 20 to your population cap and Houses add 5.
      • Spearmen are Infantry units that excel against Cavalry units.
      • Greek Hypaspists are Infantry units that excel against other Infantry units.
      • Egyptian Axemen are Infantry units that excel against other Infantry units.
      • Greek Toxotai are Ranged units that excel against Infantry units.
      • Egyptian Slingers are Ranged units that excel against other Ranged units.
      • Greek Sarissophoroi are effective against Ranged units.
      • Greek Prodromoi are Cavalry units that excel against other Cavalry units.
      • Greek Hippikons are powerful Cavalry units that excel at getting through defensive lines and destroying Siege.
      • Egyptian Elephant Archers are powerful Ranged units that deal massive damage from afar.
      • Egyptian Camel Riders are Cavalry units that excel against other Cavalry units.
      • Egyptian War Elephants are tough Cavalry units that can hit multiple units at a time with their powerful attacks.
      • Remember to have a constant production of Villagers. The more Villagers you have, the more resources you'll have to spend.
      • Don't forget to keep training Villagers! Good players might train 80 or more Villagers on a quest.
      • To get better loot and a bigger challenge, play repeatable quests in Elite mode. To do this, click the Elite button from the Quest Map before launching into the quest.
      • Greek Gastraphetes are highly effective against Infantry units.
      • Units such as the Hoplite are Heavy Infantry and excel at getting through Anti-Infantry defensive lines.
      • Palintonons are powerful long-range Siege units. They unpack automatically to attack, but must be manually packed up to move them again.
      • Greek Peltasts are Ranged units that excel against other Ranged units.
      • Keep your eyes peeled for the snappily dressed and light-footed Learicorn. But be careful--he is very sensitive.
      • Use more than one Villager to speed up the building time.
      • To send all the units you train at a building to a Rally Point, right-click anywhere on the map.
      • Rename your Capital City on the City Selection menu by clicking the Civilization Card and selecting Rename.
      • The Celtic Woad Raider is a highly effective raiding unit, due to its mobility and high attack damage.
      • The Celtic Champion is most effective when using its cleave attack against packs of enemies.
      • Celtic Druids empower friendly units while healing, granting them bonus attack damage.
      • The Long Swordsman is the heart of the Celtic army with its unrivaled attack strength.
      • The Celts are an Infantry-focused civilization.
      • The Celts can gain powerful buffs through animal sacrifices.
      • The Persian Immortal is the only Infantry unit that possesses both melee and ranged attacks.
      • The Persian Cataphract is a powerful Cavalry unit, effective against both Infantry and Siege units.
      • Unlike the Ballista and Catapult, the Persian War Wagon can attack enemy units at close range.
      • The Persian Sparabara is best used as a defensive line while Bowmen shower the enemy with deadly arrows.
      • The Persians possess powerful Toggle Techs that can be activated and deactivated at anytime.
      • The Persian Aid Tent technology upgrades their Storehouses to heal nearby friendly units.
      • The Babylonians do not have a Storehouse; instead, they train Ox Carts that serve as mobile drop sites.
      • The Babylonian Shield Bearer is exceptional at absorbing enemy pierce damage.
      • Upgrade the Babylonian Lancer to employ devastating charge attacks, dealing 3x the normal damage on impact.
      • Garrison units inside the Babylonian Siege Tower to gain a ranged attack whose damage is based on the number of sheltered units.
      • Babylonian Gardens increase the rate at which all units and upgrades are trained or researched.
      • Command Babylonian Ox Carts to follow gathering Villagers by including them in the selection.
      • Unlike typical Ranged units, like Bowman and Slingers, the Norse Throwing Axeman deals melee-infantry damage from range.
      • The Norse War Dog moves with great speed and snares its enemies, making it perfect for catching retreating enemies.
      • The Norse Berserker is an extremely powerful unit, but comes at a hefty cost.
      • The Norse Chief grants extra health to friendly units around him.
      • Norse Infantry units can build military production and defensive Buildings.
      • The Norse start with two Scouts, one of which can build a Barracks.

      These are the existing ones.
    5. Servimomia

      Servimomia Moderator

      Nov 23, 2017
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      Very good idea indeed.
      Andy P XIII likes this.
    6. Kire

      Kire Game Developer

      Jan 28, 2019
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      Remember to build speed poles to faster reinforce your army!
      gamevideo113 and Andy P XIII like this.
    7. Leow193

      Leow193 Woad Raider

      Jul 2, 2018
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      If you struggle in a quest, don't forget to ask for some tips from other players, or even ask them to play the quest with you in co-op !
    8. Leow193

      Leow193 Woad Raider

      Jul 2, 2018
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      Don't forget to use your coins for equipment, it's here for a reason
    9. MainMan B

      MainMan B Berserker

      Feb 23, 2018
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      I don't know if this is a good suggestion for a loading screen but here goes: "You can reset your milestones by choosing reset at the View Technology Screen at a cost" Could be usefull for some newbies, who chose a wrong milestone. Forgot to incliude my ingame nick: MainManB.
      #10 MainMan B, Jan 30, 2021 at 7:16 PM
      Last edited: Feb 1, 2021
      PF2K likes this.
    10. gamevideo113

      gamevideo113 Champion

      Jun 19, 2020
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      In your milestones menu you can choose one additional milestone for each one of the other civilizations by clicking on the icon of the milestone that you want to select.

      IGN: gamevideo113
      #11 gamevideo113, Jan 30, 2021 at 7:21 PM
      Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
    11. madlymad

      madlymad Villager

      Oct 31, 2020
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      - Choose your advisors wisely according to the quest requirements.
      - There are four advisors and each one takes effect in each age.

      in-game name: madlymad
      #12 madlymad, Jan 30, 2021 at 7:22 PM
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    12. Wololoo

      Wololoo Champion

      Nov 27, 2017
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      My tip:
      Did you know that you can buy and sell game items using the Global Marketplace?
      Access the Global Marketplace by clicking on the furthest right icon at the top of your screen.

      IGN: Wololoo
      #13 Wololoo, Jan 30, 2021 at 7:25 PM
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    13. madlymad

      madlymad Villager

      Oct 31, 2020
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      Milestones unlock as soon as you level up each civilization, and provide access to powerful Milestone techs at levels 5, 10, 20, 30 and 40.

      in-game name: madlymad
      #14 madlymad, Jan 30, 2021 at 7:25 PM
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
    14. Nebelwaffel

      Nebelwaffel Villager

      Oct 9, 2020
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      Caravans are your fastest source of gold income, if you can defend the trade route.
    15. Unknown Maniac

      Unknown Maniac Berserker

      Nov 9, 2019
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      I have 3 quotes right here:
      1) Egyptian Priestess of Ra can bless unfinished buildings to speed up their construction.
      2) Egyptian Priestess of Ra can bless your buildings to speed up research and unit training.
      3) Egyptian Priestess of Ra can bless your Town Centers, Storehouses and Docks to increase the amount of resources dropped there.
      MainMan B and madlymad like this.
    16. toto2379

      toto2379 Long Swordsman

      Sep 10, 2018
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      In the city of Tarsos, you can use Coin to buy full stacks of materials from Bahram's Bulk Bundles.
      #17 toto2379, Jan 30, 2021 at 7:33 PM
      Last edited: Jan 30, 2021
      MainMan B, Andy P XIII and PF2K like this.
    17. Kulcsos12

      Kulcsos12 Hippikon

      Nov 15, 2017
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      If you want to craft a new gear, you need to learn its recipe in the specific Crafting School and collect the required materials in your inventory.​
      MainMan B likes this.
    18. Bon900

      Bon900 Spearman

      Jan 30, 2021
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      "While berry bushes are a convenient food source, the gathering rate from wild animals is much faster. You may consider gathering from wild animals first."

      In-game name: Bon900
      #19 Bon900, Jan 30, 2021 at 7:47 PM
      Last edited: Jan 31, 2021
    19. RacketyPurse

      RacketyPurse Champion

      Oct 22, 2018
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      choose wisely and carefully the use of your ADVISORS and tune the participating MILESTONES in the best way to be able to simplify things in economy and battle
      MainMan B likes this.
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