Attack zone

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Chris23g, Aug 5, 2019.

  1. Chris23g

    Chris23g Woad Raider

    May 28, 2019
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    Hello friends, I had already published something similar before just that I think the title was not correct.
    My idea is to be able to select an area which our units will give them priority to attack, as shown in the image.
    I feel that this would be useful for the saserdotes and remote units since they attack at the nearest even if they have more range to attack.
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  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    It would have to work like an area-patrol though, probably with some element of randomness (or some way of drawing out the path, effectively undoing the entire ordeal), otherwise it's basically increasing the targetting/detection range of any unit it gets used on.

    You're just best off a-moving around the area in a circle or two, splitting units up to a-move to different points, and/or watching what you can and clicking directly on it. Microing units in small groups after a-moving multiple segments of your army, or stutter stepping enough to get all your ranged units in range (ideally you should pre-concave around your opponent so you don't have to do that) is the most effective way to fight anyway. A-moving is generally bad because units don't prioritize units they counter or kite their own counters, and they will overkill targets.
    Chris23g likes this.
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