Developer Spotlight: Review of Quest Data

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by Andy P XIII, Oct 20, 2019.


Other than traditional Legendary Quests, what kinds of new quests would interest you?

  1. Short, punchy quests with good loot that encourage daily grinding like A New Pharoah's Challenge

    21 vote(s)
  2. Holy Man-like quests

    13 vote(s)
  3. City Defense/City Conquests

    15 vote(s)
  4. Quests with Hero Units (like in Northern Invasion)

    14 vote(s)
  5. Quests with limited unit rosters (like in City Defense, Palace Races, etc.)

    12 vote(s)
  6. I'd love to work towards cool Capital City decorations (like the Temple of Minos in Crete, etc.)

    14 vote(s)
  7. I'd love quests unlockable by building things in my Capital City

    17 vote(s)
  8. I'd love to be able to use materials to acquire things (like War Effort and Legendary Craftables)

    12 vote(s)
  9. I am so excited about this that I would love to learn more about how to create quests myself

    9 vote(s)
  10. Something else (please comment below)

    7 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    As we are not doing a Roman blog this weekend and do not yet have official news for the Halloween Event, I thought it might be a nice moment to give you all some insight on some other areas some of us are focusing.

    Please bear in mind that I have not run posting this through the Lead Developers, so everything I write here are my own observations and opinions. I can't speak for anyone but myself.

    This week, a few of us (with particular help from Wout) have begun a small project to analyze some raw data on how the player base engages with quests. In broad strokes, the server automatically collects an awful lot of data, but at least as far as my awareness as a regular developer (and not a lead developer), we have never studied that data in our development decisions.

    My personal approach to quest development has been to focus on the post Level 40 endgame. This is based on my observations that the original developers did an outstanding job of creating way more quests for leveling up than anyone could possibly finish and still be below Level 40. That was the case originally, and then midstream during the original run of the game, the Developers made some changes to increase experience points to speed along progress to get players to Level 40 faster. (The called this the Fast to 40 plan, or something like that.)

    So rather than have us spend our limited resources on more low-level quests, we have focused far more on additional Legendary quests and other end-game content (such as more Legendary gear, Seasonal Events, Legendary Advisors, etc.). But, again, I formed my opinions by observing the game as a player and not based on crunching data. I just sort of assume that players like Legendary Quests. They seem to be very popular topics of conversation on the discord and chat and forum, so creating more Legendary Quests has always seemed pretty obvious.

    Exactly how many players play different quests has always been an area of interest for many of us, but it is only recently that we have taken a stab at looking at it. Recently, one of the lead developers handed us a cache of files containing every single quest that every single player on the server started, completed, and/or turned in from mid-August to early October (about 8 weeks).

    This is a colossal amount of data that could keep us busy for weeks digesting. And we are just now beginning to organize it and bite into it. But we thought it might be interesting to some of you to see some preliminary observations.

    So first, a few words on the data set. These logs track every single quest, so it is important to remember how the game defines that term. Not only are quests the traditional quests (such as campaigns, alliance quests, repeatable quests, legendary quests, etc.), but quests also include a ton of other things (such as those tiny quests where you get a 5 coins for visiting a certain Quest Giver, those Global Quests where you are rewarded for killing a certain number of wild animals, or all the various Home City quests where you are rewarded for building the Advisor Hall or something similar in your Capital City, War Effort-like quests where you turn in materials.

    When you add up all of these things together, our data showed that in those 8 weeks, there were 658 different quests that at least one player completed. (There are actually more quests than that in the game -- we believe there may actually be about 900 total, and we are looking into that.)

    At any rate, according to our data, during those 8 weeks, our player base combined to complete and turn in those 658 quests a total of 291,366 times.

    As you may imagine, that number is very unevenly distributed across those 658 quests.

    For instance, the Top 30 most popular quests were completed about 105,000 times. (And of those, only about 44,000 were actual quests – the rest were Global Quests such as turning in materials, visiting Quest Givers, etc.)

    Many quests are barely ever played. For instance, the bottom 200 quests combine for as many playthroughs as the most popular quest (A New Pharaoh’s Challenge, which was played about 9500 times, which works out to someone finishing ANPC about every 8 minutes, 24 hours per day.)

    You can get lost in the data, so to try to chew on it, we cut it a number of different ways. Here’s a list of some observations:

    Bear in mind, our data is unfortunately right during the Summer Event, so the numbers are super skewed. We also still need to go through all 658 quests and are barely there, but roughly, this looks like the most popular types of quests.


    Personally, I am pretty surprised to see so many players doing Elite Quests and the Trade For Quests (like Trade for Giza Limestone, etc.)

    I don't think I ever see anyone asking for coop partners for Elite Quests. I bet a lot of solo players are using them to chase gear since they are not strong enough yet to solo Legendaries. This seems like an interesting demographic that we as Developers may not be catering to.

    One theme we are going to see here is the popularity of very short quests that have good rewards (that's not terribly surprising, I suppose), but we haven't been catering to that, either. Most of our quest packs have been focused on longform build-and-destroy Marion/Soloi/Paphos style quests. I am just amazed to see people willing to mess around with those Trade For quests. They must be really deadset to hunting those rare materials for their capital cities. I am pleasantly surprised to see that. These types of capital city decorations-based incentives for quests is another completely foreign area that we at Celeste have never catered to.

    Other than regular in-game quests, global quests involving turning in materials are huge.


    The popularity of War Effort is wild, especially since we nerfed it awhile ago. These quests have 6-day cooldowns, and players are apparently still faithfully turning their materials into EP.


    You can see here that the Summer Event is really messing with the data.
    But you can also see the absolute hold that those short, profitable quests are having on our playerbase. They are addicted to the rush of chests and coins. For better or worse, we have not penetrated that market with Celeste Quests, which, again, tend to be longer Legendary quests.

    Part of me wants to nerf the hell out of ANPC, but there would be riots. I also want to highlight that Race Race Vemundr is so damn popular. Again, we are not making quests like that, and maybe we should. I actually play this quest pretty frequently, especially to level up civs. The data doesn't tell us why quests are popular. I find Race Race Vemundr to be pretty fun, but I also am attracted to it's fairly decent experience points compared to how long it takes to complete.

    Meanwhile, even though the timing of our data during the Summer Event skews things significantly, at least we know that the Event was a resounding success. You guys played its one Legendary Quest more than about the top 4 other most popular Legs (and this data includes plenty of time when the Summer Event was not even available).


    This list stands for the obvious truth that the bigger the payout, the more popular the Legendary Quest. Setredet, More Mad Medians, Marion, Cataclysm, and Mileto have some of the highest rewards in the game. However, I am pleased to see Muspelheim, Holy Man, and Niflheim so popular, since there are a number of quests below them with far better payouts.

    Also, it is heartwarming to see so many Celeste quests on the list, too.


    This is an interesting list for me. I haven't drilled into figure out why these quests are so damn unpopular, but they almost totally ignored. I assume their rewards are very low. Those Even More quests are Crete quests, right? They haven't caught on. I can't say I have played one.


    Other than Lots of Rogues (another short, profitable quest), there's not much to report here. Losing Your Religion is similarly short and profitable, too. However, Elite Quests are still far more popular than I thought they would be (other than Elite Lots of Rogues, about 1 Legendary Quest is completed for every 4 Elite Quests, which really isn't that bad at all given how rare people talk about playing them). But it looks like players are all over the map on which Elite Quests they enjoy.

    My last list:


    A lot of these are the first or second quests in a Quest Line, so no big surprises. But I have to say I am super surprised to see so many playthroughs of Bella and Peepaw. I think these Rare Building Quests are such a cool idea with untapped potential, and it looks like people use them, even though those two quests are utterly ridiculous.

    We are presently going back through the list to classify every single quest (by Quest Type, Rewards, etc.) and will be continuing to analyze the data. We hope to possibly find some hidden information that doesn't get picked up.

    We are curious to see if we can detect how new players interact with the game. How frequently do players begin quest lines compared to how frequently they finish them? Are there more types of quests that lots of players play that we haven't paid much attention to? Are there types of new content we can add to the game to engage with different play-styles. (Maybe some players love grinding unique materials to build cool capital city decorations? Maybe players are intrigued by unique quests available exclusively through special buildings in a capital city? Maybe there are certain types of quests with curious objectives that players seem to enjoy?)

    Obviously we also rely on human feedback, such as conversations and surveys. But sometimes when you ask a human about what choices they like to make, you get a very different answer then when you observe them actually making those choices.

    But please know that we are listening, we are curious, and we are busy.

    Thanks so much for reading.
    #1 Andy P XIII, Oct 20, 2019 at 4:17 AM
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2019
    lukipr0, Servimomia, rtsgamer and 4 others like this.
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  3. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    More PvP quests (especially something for arena with similar safeguards, perhaps even stricter, than sparta), more RMS/Skirmish-styled quests, more 20-40 pre-leg repeatables would be my request!

    But I cannot speak for everybody, and am in one of the minority playerbase demographics (hardcore pvp, casual pve)!

    Thanks for the writeup mate, real interesting to read over!
    Alzerus and Andy P XIII like this.
  4. out4blood

    out4blood Spearman

    Aug 4, 2019
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    Ty for those lists Andy :) I'm surprised about some results like the war effort, i expected that a lot of players didn't do them anymore since the cooldown was increased. Its nice to see that most players still like the old grinding quests like elite rogues/pharaos/coercion :D Its also nice to see that a lot of new legs are played so keep up the good work :)
    Alzerus and Andy P XIII like this.
  5. TheSpaniard

    TheSpaniard Berserker

    Jan 15, 2019
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    I just want to point out one observation that I see that you didn't mention:

    A L L I A N C E W A R S
    Exclusive0r and Suomak like this.
  6. TheSpaniard

    TheSpaniard Berserker

    Jan 15, 2019
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    In all seriousness though, I love the idea of more quest diversity. Variety is the spice of life!

    Big opportunity to introduce a never before seen (in Celeste) quest pack after the Romans are released to kind of go hand in hand with them, imo.
    Alzerus and Andy P XIII like this.
  7. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    "short and profitable - very popular" This really doesn't surprise me.

    The issue here is that we can spend a long amount of time doing a challenging leg quest and all too often gain only vendor fodder from the chests OR we do for each civ. a fairly quick elite quest and with the rng as it is, get an occasional decent reward.

    So in summary:
    Leg quests - very satisfying to do but rewards are often soul destroying
    Elite quests - soul destroying to do but rewards are usually worthwhile.

    So to answer the original question - What kind of quest do we need?
    We need quests that are satisfying & challenging to do & which give chest rewards that don't feel like a slap in the face with a wet kipper!
  8. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    How do we create more short profitable quests like ANPC without completely breaking the game so everyone just grinds them and does no other quests? Right now at least we can only do ANPC 27 times every 3 days. If we had more, would people totally abandon hard quests and just become grind monkeys?
    Exclusive0r likes this.
  9. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Quests notes/ideas

    Easy/Quick quests with high reward
    The really short quests are good for rewards, chests/gold/ep and materials for decorations, but aren't very satisfying quests in themselves, its the rewards I do them for. More of such quests but more interesting questing experience could be fun. Could look at the low level quests for ideas, there were lots of small duration, limited unit/goals.

    The legendaries and elites
    Want to do legendaries, but two blocks:
    (1) don't have sufficient gear, so elites are better option. New interesting elite quests would be awesome, perhaps with way to build towards guaranteed rewards, either with 'Elite Points' that can be used to buy gear, downside of that is it encourges grinding the easiest elite quest. Better I think is complete all of set of new Elite quests to get a Legendary chest, or Epic/Legendary chest. etc
    (2) don't have time for the legendary quest. Can also be true for the elite quests. If I'm doing an legendary I usually try to do it when I've a 1.5-2hour gaming window, even if I think it will just take me 45-60min to do, I want to have buffer to restart, not worry about running out of time at the end, and if it all goes wrong I can go off and do something easier and feel satisfied with my gaming time. A possible idea would be to make Elite/Legendary quests, but that only last 15-25min. Maybe something that is a sub part of a Legendary style quest.

    As an example:
    Take the Valley of the Kings quest and split it into 3-5 solo min-legendary quests, can call it 'Training for the valley':
    (Quest 1) you start like valley of kings, but goal is just to take the first base. Big trench/mountain cuts off where player 2 would be and all the npcs past the first base. You start in age 1 and need to defend, maybe take the wonder too even, push in and destroy the 1 town center, 2-3 fortresses and the boss, tune it a bit, but basically that, quest should be like the first ~15-20min of the valley quest, for an average player.
    (Quest 2) you start basically where the last quest ended. With your base build up a bit, resources, some units in the empty space where the first npc base was. Now you have to push through the valley a bit, to the priest boss say.
    (Quest 3) continues where quest 2 ended, you push north and finish the map.

    Maybe there is a meta quest for completing the 3 subquests, rewards some chests, so you get less in each small quest but nearly the same amount as full legendary when you complete all 3.

    Would be cool to see the whole legendary map and you just work through a part of it each quest, with trench cutting of the area you aren't meant to go to. But if it was a smaller map and you just achieved the small goal that would be fine too. Anyways, idea here is that it would be good to have interesting/challenging quests, but that take 15-25min for average player who has good gear equipped. The key being the time commitment not the difficulty.

    My typical quests:
    Pharaohs Challenge
    - I want the EP and gold for the time required, less bothered by the chests but they are nice. Gameplay is ok but as occasional thing, don't enjoy doing it so many times.
    Lots of rogues - I want the EP,gold,chest rewards and enjoy the time required. Gameplay is boring by now.
    Trade doc quests - are ok, but done so many times, but need to decorations.
    Summer mini quests - merchant was ok a few times but boring after that. Fortress destory was nice gameplay. Base defense i enjoyed, make it 10min instead of 15 and more difficulty could be good, so i don't just build 3 fortresses and go afk. Priests I found too unreliable to finish. They are all nice, but after first few goes I'm doing them for the time to reward ratio.
    Summer legendary - really enjoyed, could do solo in 45min consistently. Some legendaries in the 25-40min for average players would be awesome too. Scale rewards accordingly.
    Crete - I enjoy it, but played it a lot back in original AOEO so bit tired of it. But difficult quests in 15-40min ranges are cool.
    #8 Aryzel, Oct 20, 2019 at 3:27 PM
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2019
    Exclusive0r and Alzerus like this.
  10. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    To build on the summer defense quest idea. Enjoyed that a lot, but hits a easy stage. Would be cool if I needed to build units to send out and catch enemy before they got close. Maybe enemy gets long range siege, defending by different unit types, so i need to build different units to take them down efficiently. So I need to maintain an outside army too. Could be a different levels to it, like Crete. 10-20min are good durations for it.
  11. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    I am sorry Andy but I think you missed the point I was trying to make. I obviously didn't make myself clear enough - sorry for that.

    What I'm trying to say is that the long leg quests are a joy & challenge to do but if at the end you only get vendor fodder from the chests as is very often the case, you feel that they are a waste of your time and therefore resort to doing the boring short, but frequently profitable elite quests.

    The bottom line is that it is so demoralizing to complete a long & difficult quest for poor chest rewards.

    See this example: Leg Liberating Thebes -
    This guy spends about 1 hour 20 mins doing the quest
    At 1.30 the guy opens the 12 chests gained:
    1 half decent item: an epic los helmet & 11 items for the vendor.
    His comments in the video echo my thoughts.

    I watched this video again and noticed a couple of things:
    1) The 5 treasure camps on the map were all large camps which should yield between 1 & 3 chests each. From the 5 camps this player got 5 chests?
    Was the RNG against him 5 times out of 5 or is some fix needed ?
    2) The video does not include game play in attacking the guardians at the 5 treasure camps so in fact the total time for this quest must have been at least 2 hours.

    Although I stated 1 of the 12 chest items was 1/2 decent it's something I'd never use. Soldiers gear slot 4 get only gloves or gauntlets but an epic los helmet is at least a GM salable item.
    So as Ardeshir states below: 12/12 useless items from chests :(

    As I understand it the new leg only quests at Rhakotis are designed to be the most difficult quests in the game. Designed to be a real challenge for the best players among us!
    But as we see here the rewards excluding the coin + EP, can be just awful.
    Does this explain why many leg quests are unpopular? - I think so

    To quote the player in the video - Mehh - Not worth it, just not worth it.
    #10 Wololoo, Oct 20, 2019 at 3:55 PM
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2019
  12. Aryzel

    Aryzel Immortal

    Feb 14, 2018
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    Another thought. I like have lots of time play when I do new quests, legendaries and even easy ones really, as you don't know how they will turn out and there is inclination to do what you know will reward you. So could be interesting to have a weekly or month quest to do 5 randomly selected quests, or 5 quests you've never done before, if that can be calculated, that rewards you with a legendary chest reward or something reliably good. Basically something that gives players incentive to try new quests and so get used to them and open up the variety of quests they think about doing normally.
    #11 Aryzel, Oct 20, 2019 at 4:44 PM
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2019
    aceloki, Aaron, Suomak and 1 other person like this.
  13. Suomak

    Suomak Long Swordsman

    Dec 31, 2018
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    New craft recipe of consumables such as Military, Potions etc. more useable in all ages. And add a legendary variant of actual consumables. Obviously, craft from a lot of materials.
    #12 Suomak, Oct 20, 2019 at 8:14 PM
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2019
  14. Aaron

    Aaron Berserker

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I really like Aryzel's idea of if you did all quests in a category (say Elite quests in a region), you get a legendary chest. That could encourage people to do more different quests.

    Another thing I was thinking is: Instead of saying that we need short quests with good rewards, we should come to terms with the fact that existing long quests are under-rewarded and adjust them accordingly? I mean, if Elite Rogues could get you 5 chests in 5 minutes, then a 40 minute quest shouldn't just give you 8 chests, but more like 20 chests.

    For Beorix, although I have never done the quest, I wonder if the reason for its unpopularity is due to people being intimidated by the Age 2 optional?
    WiriWout likes this.
  15. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    We aren’t likely going to ever powercreep drops for existing quests. The easier and faster we accelerate drops, the faster players will get bored hunting gear and stop playing. That doesn’t mean we are going to slow it down, either. But there’s a lot of resistance among the Devs to making gear hunting too easy. The safest move is to make no move and rely on the rates set by the original Devs. We are playing with explosives and could quickly break the game. And we all have seen how angry players get when we make things too easy and have to take things away, such as this week with the Empire Store.

    But perhaps we can open up rewards a bit in some quests. But doing so would perhaps require an equal and opposite reduction in drops in others.
  16. Alzerus

    Alzerus Champion

    May 4, 2019
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    Really great information to read and a big thank you for this information, some eye openers there and very interesting. It’s a pity it was done during the summer event to get real data although you can remove those particular quests from the sheet, it will only reflect a rough estimation on remainder quests as players will often sacrifice certain quests from their regular routine to do event quests, but nevertheless great info and a no doubt a great direction that this will ultimately bring us.

    I would love to see more fun quests in the 15 -30 min range and especially quest line type or story type missions with repeatable versions to include Elite/Legendary follow ups something like the Cyprus/Athens etc quest lines but more like the Age of Empires II/Conquerors etc, very story line based. Send an Emissary to such a place and follow up quests for different regions etc. Heck we could even track down Bahram and jail him for corrupt trading or hand him over to the Babylonians after undertaking a fantastic story quest line to chase him around, He’s currently taking forever to get to Tarsos. The rewards could be the usual EP/Gold per mission and total quest line ultimate reward of a Home City building/Statue of Bahram Hanging in Babylon or Home City Building of Bahram in a Jail . “It wasn’t me” Anyway, you get the idea story lines are limitless.

    Although delighted, amazed and surprised by the release of the new Legendary quests in Rhakotis with the Romans still inbound, I was saddened not to see a standard questline, followed up by a repeatable versions to also include Elite/Legendary that would have eased the more not so Elite players to play them and get used to them. At the same time, I do realise that this is a considerably more work, but maybe it can be looked at in the new year.

    Another aspect of the daily type quests that could be looked at is that the cooldown timer be moved for the twice dailies from 12 hrs to maybe 10 hrs and also introduce a number of full dailies mid-range (15-30 mins as above) that can be done on an actual daily basis, but having their cooldown timer of 20 hrs instead or 24 hrs. Reason for these shortened timers is that players usually have a certain amount of daily playtime and sometimes one can get tied in in some r/l maters and miss out on their daily activities and slightly shortened c/d’s would give lenience for this and the simple fact that quest c/d timers start when the quest finishes, so you’re always out of sync and this would alleviate that and also restricts any abuse of questing these dailies/twice dailies.

    As a lover of AoEO’s unique Home Cities feature in the AoE franchise, I would love to see more quests available from our Home Cities or other players Cities and possible rewards of new City buildings and could even entail some sort of storyline taken on here. Even reworking the Mamu and Peepaw/Ol’ Man Fischers quests that seem totally useless after first completion apart from having players visit our Cities to undertake same, a few extra types of these that may reward statues/buildings/units for cities would be great. City quests are unique to this AoE game and should be expanded and developed further. Take a questline that you have to visit and play from X amount different player Cities etc, something along the lines that Aryzel has mentioned above for doing Legendary quests from maybe different locations and getting a unique rewards after 3/5 have been completed within say a week/month/whatever with a c/d timer and untradeable.

    Crete quests: Even More (Whatevers) I’m surprised at tbh, I thought they would have been a lot more popular, but there are a few maps there that I have never tried at all, even from back in MS days, I do 2-3 of the maps only atm, but at the same time I love to play them just to get the City Wonders and it’s a long hard grind but I hope to be playing this game for a long time and that doesn’t bother me to keep at them per civ. I like the fact that the mats for these are untradeable, keeping each civs Wonders unique. I’ll eventually get around to all maps though. But quite shocked at their stats, so obviously need reworking.

    PvP players could also have their Cites say threatened (without actual any form of destruction, last thing we want is Carnage in our Home Towns lol)), via their Embassy etc and playing 3/5 different players with a said quest would offering unique rewards over a said time (week) and even expanding this to other quests or rewards of Greater Wonders/EP/Vanity rewards over much greater amounts of time/challenges. First time PvP players could get certain rewards for first 50/100/500 matches played with some sort of restrictions to try stop any abuse of pairing up to abuse. PvP needs more incentives for players. Please also remove the “Win” aspect for Participation on the Sparta events, it’s participation that’s needed to grow that base > Yeah I’m useless at it but have great fun trying.

    So in Short:
    Story line quests
    Regular Quest lines with Repeatables/Elite/Legendary
    More fun 15-30 mins Quests
    Crete reworking
    Expand City Quests and Reward City Buildings/units/city vanity
    Hunt Down Bahram :)
    Allow shorter cool downs for twice dailies/New full dailies 10hrs/20hrs
    PvP Incentives

    But a Big Thank You Andy P for this great info/demographic and it’s very encouraging to see some of the great responses above, already some great ideas straight from the player base.
    aceloki and Andy P XIII like this.
  17. Bahram

    Bahram Desert Trader
    Staff Member

    Aug 13, 2019
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    Loyal Alzerus, why do you treat me so disrespectfully?
  18. Aaron

    Aaron Berserker

    Jul 28, 2019
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    I disagree that upping rewards for existing under-rewarded would change the economics much. The rewards/time for many of these quests are so bad that even if we double or triple the rewards, it would have almost 0 impact on the game since it's still so much worse than the popular quests. (ex. Breaking Eggs takes 30 minutes from the timer no matter how good you are at blowing up enemy TC's, as far as I can tell.) People who just want rewards aren't doing those quests anyways. The only issue I could see with the approach is if we have to nerf Pharaoh in the future, then these quests could suddenly became optimal if we dramatically increase their rewards.

    Speaking of which, my opinion is that a nerf to New Pharaoh, Elite Rogues and the like is inevitable. I don't think we want to introduce any more quests of New Pharaoh's efficiency. However, if we don't, then Pharaoh remains the best, and people would be "forced" to farm that, instead of playing any of new short quest that's introduced.

    Anyways, I have no idea that Trade For quests are so popular. I figured that if you want EP and can't do Pharaoh, you would just do Elite Rogues or Persian Coercion. But then, I don't really care about decorating my capital. One question I have. Do people play any of the "bad" lvl 37 quest reward quests like Craftsmen Rescue, We Can Always Use More, etc?
    JoshTheAspi likes this.
  19. Andy P XIII

    Andy P XIII Moderator

    Nov 14, 2017
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    Oh, I see. Yes, we could probably increase certain quests (indeed, we’ve done that before). That may encourage players to do those quests rather than more profitable ones. But we couldnt increase, say, the percentage of leg items inside every legendary quest without totally messing with the end game.
  20. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    LoS on an epic? that would be the biggest waste of the bunch. 12/12 useless items
  21. Alzerus

    Alzerus Champion

    May 4, 2019
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    Prepareth to square! We shall chaseth thee to the endeth and gleefuly gaze thee hangeth in the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, 'r wouldst thee pref'r a cage, feareth not f'r I shalt remaineth loyal to the end thus is in the spirit of the game.
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