level 40

Discussion in 'PvE General Discussion' started by PaRa, Oct 9, 2019.

  1. PaRa

    PaRa Long Swordsman

    Oct 6, 2019
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    I'm new to level 40. what exactly should I do now I've tried the legendary quest but they are way too hard for me

    Thanks in advance
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  3. Jeinx

    Jeinx Moderator
    Staff Member Moderator

    Nov 21, 2017
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    I would recommend you visit the three alliance Capitals.
    Frarafrarararia Oasis.
    Try the alliance quests.
    They give pretty good rewards, and will help you get a bank of coin, EP, and gear built up
    Ardeshir likes this.
  4. musictopia2

    musictopia2 Woad Raider

    Apr 8, 2019
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    I would recommend the new oasis legendary quest. its a great beginner legendary quest and gives excellent rewards. Also, I would recommend opis as well but don't worry about destroying the 4 barracks in 10 minutes. I don't recommend the alliance quests because they only give the best rewards if you can get 100 percent which requires a player to be very fast.
  5. rtsgamer

    rtsgamer Immortal

    Jul 9, 2018
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    @musictopia2 i hope u re joking m8, new lvl40 opis really? xD

    @Jeinx i agree
    Aliance cities: persian coersion, good one
    And ask someone in game to show u, how to do pharaohs challange.

    Watchout trade channel in game, people giving away often good gears for free or for some coin.

    There re some leg. Quests (marion, paphos, mileto, meso etc.) which re beginner friendy, respectively
    ur coopmate can carry u through the quest, but i would unlock the lines (athens, babylone, cyprus etc.) first and then ask in game to show u, how to play out a specific leg. Quest. We have a nice community with helpful players.
    So, if you can not handle something, just ask.

    hf & gl / greetz
  6. PaRa

    PaRa Long Swordsman

    Oct 6, 2019
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    which would you recommend the already tried some but the opponent just overruns me

    and when I look at youtube, all those who are doing this quest have legendary eq
  7. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    PvP, Crete, playing another civ, or finishing off everything up to legendary content on your 40/s if you haven't are always good timewasters I find :p

    Try the repeatables in the Fertile Crescent Quest Pack out! Good coin, and they're easy.
  8. out4blood

    out4blood Spearman

    Aug 4, 2019
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    When you're a new level 40 player you should go to:

    the alliance cities (carthage/delos/farafra oasis) and do the quests 'persian coercion' and 'a new pharao's challenge'. You can train persian coercion if you have the quest 'median manipulations' unlocked in your fertile crescent booster (babylon expansion pack) in Babylon. A new pharao's challenge can be done with a cooppartner so try to find a friend/someone to play with and teach you how to do it fast. Normally persian coercion and new pharao's challenge should drop good gear (epic/leg) which you can use to upgrade your units.

    Argos also has some quests which are easy to do: elite lots of rogues and elite losing your religion are the easiest ones there + trade for mosaic tile gives you 10 ep so its also worth doing + you can do the leg quest : leg impossible cataclysm there which isn't that hard but try to do it in coop to do it faster.

    Cyprus is the next step when you're units are better geared. Leg marion is with a timer and siege restriction but can be easily done in time with a cooppartner.

    Global market and trade chat are the places where you can find the gear/advisors/consumables you need to do legs with ease. The cheapest way to get the gear is probably in trade chat although global market has his moments of cheapness.
    Andy P XIII, Ardeshir and rtsgamer like this.
  9. bbgambini

    bbgambini Hippikon

    Nov 25, 2017
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    check this video out:
    Ardeshir likes this.
  10. Pipinghot

    Pipinghot Woad Raider

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Also try to keep in mind that the journey from Lvl 1-40 is just the first step. Most of the game takes place at Lvl 40 so there are still lots of things for you to accomplish. Leveling up is just a way to learn the game, now that you're Lvl 40 is when you really have the opportunity to hone your skills and figure out strategies and tactics that make you happy.

    If you're a brand new 40, then the chances are you need to look at your troops and figure how which pieces of gear you need to improve. Almost no one has all the right gear when they first hit 40, it takes a bit of time and thought to tweak your army before you dive into legendary quests.
    rtsgamer likes this.
  11. musictopia2

    musictopia2 Woad Raider

    Apr 8, 2019
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    I was not joking about legendary opis right at level 40. I have personally played opis legendary on a fresh level 40 account with no problem. Its even possible to beat legendary opis easily with no gear as long as you don't worry about the optional time challenge.
  12. Wololoo

    Wololoo Champion

    Nov 27, 2017
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    Legendary Opis is a total grind of a quest which takes ages & has completely unfair AI opposition.
    The AI continually spams elite units out of thin air from the bottom corner and has umpteen Babylonian ballista ships which just don't exist for us mortal players. These ballista ships have no real counter except other ships which you can't build or siege which can't be built if you want to do the no siege quest option.
    They harass you continually unless you build (and loose) tons of ranged units to kill them.

    The quest also has many high hit point towers hiding behind cliffs and walls that your infantry can't get at.

    Sorry, but IMO this is a very poor choice of quest for someone having just reached level 40.
  13. Aaron

    Aaron Berserker

    Jul 28, 2019
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    Given the added content from Celeste, you should have a lot of one-time quests left over. Stay far away from Athens until you have better gear + skills, but the Well of Urd quests are approachable. That should give you a taste of what a harder quest would look like. Unfortunately, given the quest levels don't increase, you are going to end up with crap reward until you unlock the repeatables.
    Ardeshir likes this.
  14. Ardeshir

    Ardeshir Immortal

    Apr 8, 2019
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    Thanks @bbgambini , I didn't wanna plug my own content! :D

    @PaRa Maybe try getting "carried" through a couple of co-ops of the legendaries you have tried and had a bad experience with? I find that once you learn the map/methods in coop, going back to solo is easier because all the timings from the AI are delayed, and they throw less at you

    Most "hardcore" pve'ers waste their gear's potential with things like LoS (On anything other than towers/seige with huge %ranged, or on your scout, it's a complete waste. On them, it's a waste if you can micro), getting high level rare/epic defensive rather than mid level rare max utility (gathering, movement benefits) armour/chestpieces on villager/caravan/xports (I realise these are the most inflated items in the game, cost wise, other than legendary build and train time accessories, but this only adds to our argument of running endgame before having Best in Slot) or tunnel visioning on damage% (along with crit usually) on every piece on fighting units (and neglecting the bonus %damage to specific unit types, defensive stats, snare), so despite looking like they're optimally geared for the way they actually play, they're not. Delian Archon's Hammer > Hammer of Kaveh > Divine Hammer of Construction seems to be the consensus amongst PvPers that also PvE. DHoC would only be best if you want to look at having builds around -cost reduction +traintime on units (and possibly cost reduction in build on your unit producing buildings), and building upwards of 20 production facilities and a couple hundred units, or truly relying on tower/fort pushing to win your quests. In saying that, if it's still going to play out as an upgrade over what you currently have, get whatever's cheapest.

    Even level 40 rares are enough of a step up over crappy pre40 gear that you'd be fine even in legendaries with it. Get 40rare train time accessories for your tcs and production facilities, and maybe a 40rare or 40epic worker tools as a starter, and the rest just happens as you play I find.
    #13 Ardeshir, Oct 21, 2019 at 8:57 AM
    Last edited: Oct 21, 2019
    bbgambini and rtsgamer like this.
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