By PF2K on May 25, 2019 at 5:31 PM
  1. PF2K

    PF2K Lead Developer
    Staff Member Administrator

    Oct 24, 2017
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    As we design the Romans this summer, will be revealing them to you building by building, unit by unit, technology by technology, and week by week. Our purpose is not to just show you what the Romans will be, but to show you how we are building them, who is building them, and also why we are building them the way that we are.

    The original Developers have left us with a tremendous amount of invaluable resources, but there’s thousands of hours still ahead of us. We must make countless decisions that will leave our own mark on the civ. As we debate units, buildings, statistics, and what vegetables the farms should grow, we will explain our thought processes here every week.

    It appears from our sources that the original Developers had never finalized the full set of Roman buildings and were heading towards having between 16 and 19 buildings. While we will discuss how we made all of these decisions in the weeks to come, we will start this week with the Roman House.

    A few things are worth mentioning: First, the Original 6 civs already include two special Houses. The Celts have an Improved House (it allows you to Age up quickly, which positions you to rush in the early game) and the Norse have an Advanced House (increase population limit by 10 and garrisons villagers). We are going to have a separate post that explains these building categories later, but for now it is probably enough to summarize: There’s still room on the board for a unique kind of house, but it seems unlikely that with the Romans the Devs would have chosen to focus on the House again.

    Our research into their designs supports this position: Every available Roman design appears to include a standard Common House. Therefore, we agreed to keep this area of the civilization simple. Our Roman Houses behave exactly like normal Houses. They support 5 population and have no units or technologies. Like in other civs, there will be three various House models that are constructed by your villagers. There is no question that our Romans will stand out from the other civs, but it will not be because of their Houses.

    Because of their simplicity and because we have concept art for Roman houses, the Roman house was the very first 3d model we created. It was actually our proof of concept. Before we officially began creating the Romans, we we asked Chaos to see if he could create a Roman house. He and Happy Smurf had already been working on 3d models for the Realms of the World quest pack and Bahram’s Bulk Bundles. We were blown away with his work and knew then that this civ was really going to happen. We immediately asked for more, and he and Happy Smurf started churning things out.

    Fortunately, having the few decoration buildings from the Roman civilization left from the original Developers in the game (namely, the Curia Hostilia and Caracalla's Bath) gave us inspirations on how Roman buildings should look and feel like. Here you can find how we based our designs on those buildings:

    So now that we knew how each Roman building is roughly supposed to look like, we turned the House concepts into actual models inside the game, as you can see here:

    As always, one of our greatest concerns when creating new content is that we constantly make sure that whatever gets added to the game must be either just as good or better than currently existing content. So we put our Roman houses next to their older cousins to see if they fit, and you know what they say! A picture says more than a thousand words.

    Week_1_-_Houses_Lineup.png Week_1_-_Houses_Closeup2.png
    This is only the first blog out of many! As we get closer to the Romans' release, we will showcase more and more Buildings and Units.

    What do you think of Roman houses? Let us know in the comments below!

    Thank you for reading, and we will see you all next week!

    Project Celeste Development Team

    Missed the Roman Civilization's announcement? Find out about it HERE.

    Project Celeste is completely free and always will be. However, we gladly accept donations for our overhead costs, which are larger than we have budgeted. If you want to support us, you can do so HERE.

    Tell your friends! Join our Discord HERE
    #1 PF2K, May 25, 2019 at 5:31 PM
    Last edited: May 25, 2019
    zenorhk, BOSAIF, Mikey242 and 14 others like this.
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Discussion in 'Romans' started by PF2K, May 25, 2019.

    1. Royaliate

      Royaliate Spearman

      Mar 5, 2018
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      Gee, can't wait for the rest of the week now #hype
      o0oBlackHawko0o, PF2K and Andy P XIII like this.
    2. MainMan B

      MainMan B Berserker

      Feb 23, 2018
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      Waow!! Fantastic, I'll be donating when I can afford to, because this is really worth it.
    3. ORNM

      ORNM Villager

      May 25, 2019
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      hello guys amazing creation , if i can make a few advises to you i gues it could be more accurate to put a little inner backyard or garden inside(the famous and notorious Domus have it always) it like the center of those houses because from there you go to the different parts of the house (dont remenber the name rigth now but i will post it later 8think impluvium maybe, or that was the office /library?), also the dame from houses to domus will be more than accurate,
      (this note is intended to make fun and grab smiles of the later reader , in any way the writer or his associates will not take responsability from hurt feelings or newborn childs resulting from this message)(editado)
      Also thank you for your awesome creations and your ways of always make us amazed and thrilled at every step thank you guys
    4. Exclusive0r

      Exclusive0r Immortal

      Nov 5, 2018
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    5. Andy P XIII

      Andy P XIII Moderator

      Nov 14, 2017
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      We considered deviating from the concept art and adding a compluvium into the roofs, but because they really were not used on small houses, it would have looked too forced. Maybe we will see them in the large residences for capital cities or something similar.
      o0oBlackHawko0o likes this.
    6. John Quincy

      John Quincy Long Swordsman

      Aug 15, 2018
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      This is the most exciting news since we first found a somewhat working version of AOEO a couple of years ago! Thanks for keeping us updated each week. It will make the wait feel shorter!
      Arash, o0oBlackHawko0o, PF2K and 2 others like this.
    7. Flutters

      Flutters Champion

      Sep 1, 2018
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      This model looks good and it fits the game well, I'm impressed.
      o0oBlackHawko0o and PF2K like this.

      RASPUTINPRIME Champion

      May 27, 2019
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      Wow. These are the best house design in the game to date. Can't wait for the next blog.
      Andy P XIII likes this.
    9. Mikey242

      Mikey242 Spearman

      Jun 3, 2018
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      This is excellent. I'm so glad you guys have high standards, these houses look very professional and blend in perfectly, good job!
      Andy P XIII likes this.
    10. Exclusive0r

      Exclusive0r Immortal

      Nov 5, 2018
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      When you consider how sad it was when MS dumped this great RTS .. just to get it back in a playable form would have been just great ...
      But the extra content makes it just truly amazing ;););)
      Andy P XIII likes this.
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