Community [Competition] Blurb Battle

Discussion in 'PvE Challenges/Tournaments' started by smileyguyx, Mar 8, 2018.


Are the prizes appealing enough?

  1. Prizes for winners' are small

    3 vote(s)
  2. Prizes for winners' are well sized

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  3. Prizes for winners' are too high

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  1. smileyguyx

    smileyguyx Moderator
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    Dec 25, 2017
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    Hello friend! You know, just the other day a new player asked where on the forums he could find some information about the different civilizations! The unfortunate answer is that there is just one. So, in an effort to bring more life to these barren halls, I'm asking you wise folk to write out a short description of at least one civilization. Every participant that makes a genuine effort will receive 5000 gold, and those few that make exceptional work will be offered extra prizes! I heard the Romans were coming to get him, but he has a bit of time before he needs to ready his army so you've got two weeks (22 March, 2018).

    A couple of rules:
    • Each person will only have one civilization description picked.
    • You might get a high stat, or a low stat item.
    • put your entry as a reply to this thread
    • it doesn't have to be in english, but i can't really judge it. You'll be eligible for the participation award though!
    I'll select a couple that stand out and get in touch through the forums.

    Everything is susceptible to change. I'll make a genuine effort to stick as is but for example, if there are a thousand legitimate entries, participation prizes may have to be cut. I'm hoping to test the waters and see how this goes.

    Any questions, drop me a message, reply to this thread (but make sure its clearly separate from an entry) or you can try and catch me in-game (but i'm more elusive than the learicon, so watch out!).

    Edits: Lots of changes made, so have a read again!
    #1 smileyguyx, Mar 8, 2018 at 11:22 AM
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2018
    NCSGeek and Ryddag like this.
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    Similar Threads - [Competition] Blurb Battle
    1. smileyguyx

  3. smileyguyx

    smileyguyx Moderator
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    Dec 25, 2017
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    It will be easier i think to just give a lump sum of coin and if you're looking for particular items, I'll see what i can do.

    Participation gold will be given at the end.

    Winners will now get 10 000 coins! You will also be the judges for the next competition (that requires judging)!
    #2 smileyguyx, Mar 8, 2018 at 11:43 AM
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2018
  4. NCSGeek

    NCSGeek Moderator
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    Oct 24, 2017
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  5. Stin

    Stin Spearman

    Mar 13, 2018
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    So ... entry i have played only greeks for while lvl 40 reached they are pretty balanced in defence and attack what is good for beginners i quess theyr hoplites got good crush armor so they are really good against siege units like balista or palintonon or something similar they are prety strong too on other hand good support for hoplites are gasthrapetes they dmg especialli when fully upgraded and with some gear is sick they can easily outrange fortress or towers too but dont spam them too much they are really wurnerable to siege units as they have no armor against it one palintonon or any other siege can easy take down whole platoon when you are not carefull next advice is .. always check your resources and from begining focus on some defence army like spearman and hypastists they are realli good start defence combined with priests they are really good way how to defence your base to lategame too i personally dont use them in lategame because hoplites are more tanky and theyr bonus to pierce resistance and crush + dmg bonus to cavalry is really good when fully upgraded you can spam them every 6 sec or less about resources another entry focus on trade with your city it helps a lot keep that money flow is really usefull and needet always can trade materials for gold or gold for materials it helps a lot then i dont use toxotes or peltasts i wait untl age4 and do some gasthrapethes combined with some balistas hoplites and priests for support and longer fights balistas are really usefull ... it is much more what can be told but i am not much expierenced advanced player using some hardcore tactics so ... i hope this helps at elast some of you sorry for my english it isnt best but you will understand so enjoy the game and thank celeste keep doing what are you doing :)
    #4 Stin, Mar 13, 2018 at 11:34 AM
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2018
    smileyguyx and NCSGeek like this.
  6. Aiyenna

    Aiyenna Villager

    Mar 13, 2018
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    The beautiful thing about Age of Empires online is that you can play however you like. Find the civ you like, the combination of units that fit your play style and customise them with the gear that best enhances the way you play them. That said, there are so many choices, so many possibilities that it can be hard for new players to find the best fitting civ.


    Greeks are a good all-round civ. A well-balanced army can make up for a lack of gear as you make your way through the levels. They don’t have the power or quick raiding parties of other civs but they are strong in the bronze age and can build up quickly. Spearman and Hypaspists provide good early game defence or attack with perhaps some ranged cover from Toxotes. As you age up, Hoplites and cavalry make a good balanced force. Later on, a combination of Gastraphetes and Ballista with some Palintanon support can be effective for taking down enemy buildings.


    The Egyptians age up by building the different priest temples. Early game is best spent building villagers and cheap units to counter any enemy attacks. Their units tend to sacrifice strength for speed of training in early game, but this makes them a quick defensive measure. If you manage your workers well and establish a market and caravans quickly, ageing up can be fast. Elephants, which are trained from fortresses, though expensive, are a destructive force to be reckoned with. Priests of Ptah have a fairly short range but convert multiple units and buildings at once. Camel riders are good fast units for raiding and quickly taking down archers and cavalry as well as enemy priests.


    The Persians are a more defensive civ in early game with the Sparabara tank unit and the storehouse upgrade that heals nearby units. Later it become more strategic with the ability to toggle technology on and off to affect, for example, the cost vs train time of certain units. Asabaras are a good all-round cavalry unit that you can complement or even replace later with Cataphracts. Immortals are a powerful melee and ranged unit available at age 3. The War Wagon is a rolling tank that with a little protection (perhaps a cavalry/priest combo) can cut through enemy lines. Their priest are effective healers but also great for converting siege if your strategy involves walling and towers.


    The Celts are a less complex civ than some others. What they lack in unit diversity and navy, they make up for it in power and speed. To age up, you have to first build a certain number of houses which can mean wood is an issue early game. Quickly building workers and establishing a market as soon as possible is important. A steady flow of resources is needed to play effectively for the Celts. In early game Long Swordsman and druids are a good combination. Later the focus turns to Woad Raiders, a fast and powerful unit that lends itself well to speedy raiding parties that are replaced quickly. Augurs sacrifice animals for important unit boosts that make Woads a devastating army of destruction.


    Babylon are an economy dependent civ but their ability to train armies in a relatively short amount of time, makes Babylon formidable. If you lean towards a walling/tower strategy, this civ is strong. In early game walls are made from wood and are more difficult to repair and their Shield bearers while good at absorbing pierce damage are easily cut down by melee. This puts the emphasis on the fast gathering of resources, establishing a market quickly and aging up. Their Ox-carts are a mobile storage unit that allows for extremely fast gathering. Sappers are an infantry unit that are mobile siege. The Lancers are a fast, powerful cavalry unit that are effective against infantry and with the champion upgrade their charge ability deals 300% more damage on impact. There siege towers can garrison units to provide protection from archers, towers and siege.


    The Norse are an offensive civ. Their infantry can build guard towers, fortresses and military buildings so your villagers don’t have to leave the safety of your base. They also have two scouts, one melee that can build Barracks and one ranged that can build Outposts. Norse Longships are fast and carry units and their Longhouses provide 10 population each as well as the ability to garrison. Outposts train fast moving War Dogs that snare enemy units and don’t use population count. They can also build a Chief from the Great Hall that provides a 10% boost to nearby units’ health. Berserkers become available at age 3 and they are one of the most powerful units in game, capable of smashing down building and other units with relative ease. Their drawback, and there needs to be one, is their expense.
    smileyguyx likes this.
  7. Stin

    Stin Spearman

    Mar 13, 2018
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    aiyenna i dont want to be rude but :D ... each person can describe only one civ picked it is in rules on top of this thread :D
  8. Aiyenna

    Aiyenna Villager

    Mar 13, 2018
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    No problem, but I think you've misread it. The original post was edited from writing about all civs and including a recommendation of which to level first. I wrote my guide before the post was edited but since it says "write out a short description of at least one civilization" implying as many as you like as long as there is one, I decided to post it anyway. The rules state they will only pick one description per person to win. Even then their disclaimer says the rules are subject to change based on circumstance.

    If it's a problem though, I'll happily withdraw the entry. I did it for fun, not the prizes so it's cool either way.
  9. smileyguyx

    smileyguyx Moderator
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    Dec 25, 2017
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    actually originally it was one for each, but i felt that may be too much effort so i changed it to at least one (so one, two, three up to six!). It's been good so far, we have a very detailed description of the greeks and a summary for each one!

    sorry guys it's the first competition i've ever run so there's lots of "bugs" that i'm trying to work out. it's why the prize pool is so small, I don't want anyone to have felt cheated because of some loophole or misleading rule! also cause I have some gearing up to do too.
  10. Stin

    Stin Spearman

    Mar 13, 2018
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    alright!! keep it going!!!
  11. Kulcsos12

    Kulcsos12 Hippikon

    Nov 15, 2017
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    If you talking about the rules, don't forget the Grammar. Your description is a pain. I stop reading it at the second line. Fix it, pls.
  12. Stin

    Stin Spearman

    Mar 13, 2018
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    hopefully i dont care ;)
  13. GenXDNA

    GenXDNA Spearman

    Jan 30, 2018
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    Hello Community! GenXDNA here to offer some insight to, in my opinion, the best civ in the game. The Great Babylonians. If you are looking for a well rounded and versatile civ to start off your adventure in AOEO than please continuing reading about this civ.

    What makes this civ great? well below ive compiled a list that will hopefully give you some insight.

    1. The babs are a resource focused civ, meaning that they gather at fast rates. Which is what matters when it comes to winning battles. Once you have the right tool, armor, advisors, etc equipped it gives you a leg up on advancing and training an army.

    2. Ox Carts - Are a unique mobile storehouse for your villagers drop point. They are very valuable to the babs as they dont require you to keep building storehouses like the other civs. Not only that but they can be upgraded to provide a garrison option if you need to evade enemy troops.

    3. Gardens are extremely effective later in the game and when all 12 are built it adds in an astounding 12 food per sec, when upgraded that number goes to 18 per sec. (not including the advisor)

    4. Walls - In my opinion clay walls are a great unique feature for getting up some protection early in the game. As you advance in age they become extremely tough when researching them and can take a lot of damage. (when upgraded they convert to stone walls)

    5. Units - Sheild Bearers are excellent at absorbing pierce damage and are your wall of protection for other troops, Sappers are very effective against infantry and buildings, Lancers Have a 3x charge damage boost after upgrading them. Royal Guards have one of the fastest attack rates against units when upgraded. The bowmen and slingers are very effective at decent range, once upgraded both can be very deadly in a tank support combo. Spearmen as always are good against cav. The Chariot archer is good against priests, the war chariot is good against range and the mounted archer is good against cav.

    6. Priests - The bab preist is the second best in the game in my opinion with Egypt's being first. When equipped with the right staff and upgraded they are deadly at converting faster. They get 25% conversion rate and line of sight plus 10% more range.

    7. Combat - when pharamcology, close combat, and total war upgrades are active it makes your infantry units very powerful. Not to mention the cav upgrades purebred, horsemanship, and horseshoes which makes your cav fast and effective.

    8. Arithmetic upgrade reduces the cost and build time of your town centers, towers and fortresses which is awesome for taking control of an area or putting up more defenses.

    9. Conservation upgrade is awesome because it conserves your trees allowing your villagers to get more from a tree than normal. This is great when playing on maps that have few trees.

    Cons - yes you are reading correctly, as all civs they have weaknesses.

    The Babs lack in siege variety with only having the siege tower and the palintonon.

    The babs lack in naval variety with only having the Brieme and the ram ship to push through the waters.

    Final Thoughts -

    This civ is very fun to play and I believe that most would agree that the Babs are definitely a contender civ and hopefully you will also agree when you try them out and experience the might of the Babs. I hope that this insight to the Babs features was helpful.

    Thanks for reading!

    smileyguyx likes this.
  14. dolanarius

    dolanarius Villager

    Mar 20, 2018
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    I'll participate to this event by a guide about égyptian civilisation.

    Sorry for my english

    To pass age they need to build temple of Ra / Seth / Path to pass age II / III / IV.
    But if you need building you can decrease the cost with some building accessories and wall item.

    At level 5 you can have a bonus of 8% of speed construction.
    Level 10 8% attak of horsemen (and elephants)
    Level 20 you can up the spot of line of ranged units like elephant (so up their range ad no their spot range they have 27 attak range without item and bonus)
    Level 30 you can up hp of all units by 3% (elephant have 3000-4000hp ^^)
    Level 40 you can as you prefer 0.25 ressources per seonds or up the horse speed by 5%)

    Egyptian have weak infanterie but with a very low cost. (So put gauntelet on them and the malus is very low for an upgrade of attak and hp)

    They have not a building to creat ranged units.
    So use infanterie at the begin if you have an agressive enemy. Suicide them on bigger units of the ennemi he will lose more resources than you and you produice infantry faster than him (put lancer as champion lancer the early time you can so they will cost less (-100% cost of gold) it's always 10 gold per lancer before this upgrade so if you build 15 lancer you begin to win ressources with this upgrade)

    There is only 3 ranged units :
    - Slinger can be creat in the barrack. This unit counter other ranged units.
    - Archer on chariot in the stable.
    - elephant archer in the fortress. They have like combat elephant a zone attak so they counter pack of units (when combat elephants block them with their poll of hp).

    In the age II you can buid some meharist who counter horsemen and in age III with the champion upgrade they counter ranged units too.

    With the biggest economy egyptian can upgrade very fast to age III to begin build fortress and begin the production of the heavyest horse the war elephant with his 3000-4000hp and his zone attak.

    You can use melee elephant and archer on chariot before pass age IV so now if you need you can use only archer and combat elephant to destroy all the enemy.

    But priest can be a problem elephant are expensive (300food 75 gold) but the champion combat elephant have +50% conversion resist and you can put if you think it's necessary a medal of conversion resist.

    They have the greastest priest of the game.
    The first priest of ra upgrade the speed of production and research in building and when you put that on the forum and deposit give you BONUS of ressources. They can heal during many units in a little zone the fight like druids in celt but don't give any bonus to the healing units
    The second the priest of seth is like the power of atlantean in AGE OF MYTHOLOGIE they put one unit as neutral like a wolf and she attak all unit near her (you or the ennemy).
    And to finish the biggest priest of the game the priest of Ptah who can convert many units in the ssame place.
    smileyguyx likes this.
  15. Sephrya

    Sephrya Villager

    Mar 22, 2018
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    Hello there beautiful human beings <3

    I have joined this server only a while ago and i instantly fell in love with this game ^^
    Till now, I only have tried Egypt but I will try to play other nations when I max the Egyptians ^^

    So here are few tips for Egypt that I personally found out and I am also recommending then for the new players:

    • At the start of almost every game with Egyptians, you get one starting Priestess of Ra
    Keep this starting one always on the main building for boosting production or workers

    • When you progress and train more Priestess of Ra, you should let them pray on the barracks for boosted unit production

    • Egyptians in this game are mainly focused on versatile army

    • Egyptians work well with strategy called ''Quantity over quality'' so u should always spam units

    • For a rush tactic, build barracks as fast as you can and instantly do upgrade called Spearman Champion if you progressed into age II and then spam Spearmans, and a few Axemans as well

    • Advantage of Priestess of Ra is, that she can heal others even DURING the fight and that is a HUGE help for your army

    • Egyptians are the only faction which has 3 types of priests so you should always keep an eye on them as you progress in the game and unlock them as fast as possible

    • Priest of Seth can easily do a big chaos in enemy front line because he can give enemy a mad status and that unit will attack even friendly units from his own team so use it wisely

    • Priest of Seth do basically the same as the other priests from other faction but additionally, he can capture even buildings and that can be really really handy

    • Egyptian's superior units can be trained at fortress and they are basically melee and ranged Elephants.
    Melee one is really really fast and have a big amount of HP and attack vs STRUCTURES
    Ranged ones are focused vs everything else.
    You should always have Elephants in your arsenal as they are strong in both Deffence and Offence

    • My last tip is that you should pick advisors focused on Elephants as well

    I hope that these tips will help you in your journey and see ya in the game <3
  16. Simple

    Simple Villager

    Mar 23, 2018
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    Norse - PvP


    These northerners can be considered the "vikings," of age of empires online. With their superior ships and aggressive infantry pushes, they are not to be trifled with. Their unique battle strategies allow them to control the battlefield early and with ease.

    - Scouting -

    Scouting has never been easier before, now with 2 scouts, you can cover more ground. It's good to keep in mind that they can build military buildings. The ranged scout can build outposts while the melee scout can construct barracks.
    - Infantry -

    • Norse infantry can construct military buildings

    Age I
    Spearmen that can construct barracks? That's right, once you're done harassing your opponent in a friendly 1v1, you can draw your spearmen back and have them build barracks to make more of them!

    Age II
    Who needs archers? (even though the Norse have 'em) The Norse have a better solution, Throwing Axemen. Ya, these ax wielding maniacs "throw" their axes, unlike their Egyptian counterparts.

    Age III
    Here come the heat. Berserkers don't throw their ax, however they are much more menacing. These guys are the equivalent of a war elephant, only half the size.
    - Archers & Cavalry -

    The Norse have a pretty standard archery range, equiped with skirmishers and bowmen if you need an edge over your opponent.

    The Norse Cavalry, on the other hand, are great for raiding. In fact that's the name of their first cavalry unit, the raider. These guys are great for picking off straggling villagers or cutting down your enemies archers, either way they are named after what they were made to do... raid.
    - Siege -

    The Norse have no need for siege with the berserkers in the mix, however if you are in a bind, no need to worry. Throw up a fortress and you'll be able to train some men to use giant rocks to smash in your enemies houses with a couple of hits. Or, you can have them throw logs, your choice.
    - Navy -

    They're Vikings! Nordic ships are seldom paralleled on the high seas, but they can still be outnumbered so keep your wits about.


    The Norse houses are unique in their design. You can actually house your villagers! No more useless rectangles made to sit their and look good, your villagers can now take refuge in their own homes. These houses also house more than an average house, but cost more and go down just as easy.

    Don't forget to make use of all that time you'll save now that you're military can take care of it's self. No more sending villagers to build military buildings, make the military do it, it's their job after all.
    Norse - PvE

    What more can I say? The Norse can make it faster for you to complete quests because of their armies' ability to grow itself.
    smileyguyx likes this.
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