
Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Evellyn, Feb 8, 2020.

  1. Evellyn

    Evellyn Long Swordsman

    Feb 8, 2020
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    So, Hello

    I'm here today, and for the first time in the forum writing because I'm kinda sad (not gonna lie).
    I came here in an adventure to look for a possible post about all the legendary quests available, but while I was setting up my account, I came across something very, I mean, super hyper mega ultra outraging and saddening, and now you must be wondering, what it is, yes, lemme tell you, it's the fact that I cannot upload avatar (gif), more than hmm, I don't even know exactly, but probably around 50kb like the error message demands.
    So, I wonder if you guys could possible extend the upload of the file size, at least to 1mb max, or I don't know, anything that it isn't 50kb it's fine, so yeah, it would contribute to my happiness very much, that is it, thank you very much.
    bbgambini, Aaron and Aman like this.
  2. Pharos

    Pharos Champion

    Sep 21, 2019
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    Thats so sad!!! Outrageous !!! that in the 21st century or 22nd? which century 2020 is? nwm! that in the 21st century peaople can't upload Gif as their avatars!!!

    you poor-thing can only imagine all that pain and humiliation u gone through while signing up

    Thoughts and Prayers of whole Celeste community are With You

    hold on there help is on the way
    Aman and Evellyn like this.
  3. Evellyn

    Evellyn Long Swordsman

    Feb 8, 2020
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    Pharos, I'm right now very emotional, thank you very much for your support and understanding the pain I'm feeling atm.

    Really hope so, that there's help on the way, very agonizing, but I have hope.

    Love, always.
    Pharos likes this.
  4. Aman

    Aman Woad Raider

    Oct 10, 2019
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    Ladies and gentlemen,
    I am a humble person, and unlike the high-class elitists that went on and spoken before me, I was raised by simple folk who may knew not fancy words, but they were decent folk...
    And I'd like to think that I share their sense of decency... and it is that which drives a simple question...

    Where does it end?
    The rules and limitations are here for a reason!
    If you allow avatars twice the size and twice as fancy, there will be others who will demand grander and fancier, until the server will be flooded with avatars promoting debauchery and filth - and which will clog the server with their humongousness.

    I am not one to deny others of their happiness, but who is to say what this avatar the plaintiff wishes to post? We do not know her intentions... You do not know her intentions!? Who is to say that it is not a radical message intended to brainwash the young minds that frequent upon this here forum?
    Think of the children, ladies and gentlemen, think of decency and the way we have been doing things all along...

    If you let this change sway you, then not before long a tidal wave of radical changes will overtake us, and ruin our traditional way of life!!!
    Pharos likes this.
  5. Evellyn

    Evellyn Long Swordsman

    Feb 8, 2020
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    Aman, sincerely no, no and no, just stop, literally I'm begging and pleading for simply a bigger upload size, so I can upload a bigger avatar obviously, merely for fashion, and cuz I deserve it, and why, cuz I say so, I know everybody cares about my happiness as they should, so that's it, what requires to make me happy

  6. Aman

    Aman Woad Raider

    Oct 10, 2019
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    <counts the money received to switch sides>

    Your honors! What is life without freedom?
    What is the purpose of a forum but to express ourselves in public?
    And what is art if not a sublime form of expression?

    Larger and more vivid avatars, I therefore argue, are not a matter of vanity but a basic human necessity!

    Would you refuse a tall person to enter a waffle-house because he was "too big"? Would you tear up the drawing of an innocent child because it dared to color outside the margins? Say it isn't so!

    Thus I now plead for the noose upon our art and liberty to be undone!
    Larger avatars, are larger hearts - and smiles on the face of our children!

    PS: I was not wrong in my previous argument, I am just more correct now...
  7. Evellyn

    Evellyn Long Swordsman

    Feb 8, 2020
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    Yessssiiir, Amen to that, AMEN, more bigger avatars for the people, tell em Aman, it's a basic need humans like me have, simply because yes, doesn't matter why, we just need it otherwise there will be consequences for ignoring my request.
    Aman likes this.
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